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Comment Re:How Detriot Got That Way -- and Why It Will.... (Score 1) 123

Why should they? As long as they had a good run, what does it matter? Nothing lasts forever, certainly not any corporations. How many major corporations can you list which haven't either collapsed, been bought out, or significantly contracted in over 50 years? I can't think of any. Even IBM had a major contraction back in the 90s. Ford certainly contracted a lot, but these days they're doing great.

As for "durable goods", cars don't last that long. Sure, a few weirdos keep the 25+-year-old models in pristine shape, and other cheapos keep old cars running (barely) long past their prime, but most cars are not kept more than 2 decades or so. And this span of time is quite a bit greater than it used to be: 30-50 years ago, a car was considered junk when it had 50,000 miles on it. It's only been the last 10-20 years where it became normal for cars to go well over 100k miles.

Comment Re:Moar Cloud (Score 1) 130

Let's hope it's quicker to re-install. I never had to re-install MS Office before the 2013 version came out but since then I've lost track of how many machines it's been fucked up that badly on.
Maybe they should roll the codebase back to the 2010 version and go on from there.

Comment Re:Hmmm Tasty Whale Tongue (Score 1) 47

Oh god, it's rare to see such bad English here. Maybe they got my ex's brother to write that page ;) And can they not tell the difference between their accent and apostrophe keys? Also, what stupid stereotyping-about-Iceland-to-market-to-foreigners is this? Just letting people know: almost everyone here thinks this is an absurd product.

Comment Re:Sort of dumb. (Score 1) 553

Stop giving cutting-edge technology to your people in IT because most of the rest of the company (or the world, if you work with the Web) never has cutting-edge hardware either.

Spot on. Unmentored young developers with uber-machines who ran nothing but MS stuff with full admin rights were a blight on software for years because they expected everyone else to have the same. The only thing that's saved us recently is that poorly skilled programmers can only do single threaded stuff so multiple cores cuts down on the pain.

Comment Re:Sort of dumb. (Score 1) 553

Depends - I was one of those and since the number of employees in my section was not large and the tasks were not frequently changing the skill level required was not high. 25 year old "supervisors" are fine if they have someone to fall back on when they are not, and if they know to do so when they are out of their depth.

Comment Re:intentional (Score 2) 416

Because without some sort of constraint of the plot device it removes a whole lot of plot opportunities (and a constraint makes things look a bit less like magic).
For instance why bother having Starfleet at all if you can teleport instantly by belt-buckle to the Klingon homeworld?

Comment Re:tip of the iceberg (Score 1) 1097

That is a stupid thing to say in one way, and an insightful thing to say in another.

Analogies are like that - meant to shine light on a thing without actually being the thing.
However you didn't get to the end of it - "bbq in synagogue level squared". I suggest you reply to what is written instead of a strawman - that shit is getting old.

because you do not believe in

Yes your iimaginary strawman in your head is a prick - how about being brave enough to deal with reality instead of yelling at shadows?
Also learn about Wilders - he's opposed to freedom of speech and freedom of any religeon apart from his own sub-sect - so if you are a Baptist, Catholic, Methodist and so on you are evil in his eyes. On race, if you've got anything other than pure Dutch blood and a Dutch upbringing you are evil in his eyes. So the standoff is one piece of shit baiting a different sort of piece of shit.

Comment For the slow (Score 1) 1097

It's about pissing on beliefs. an analogy is an analogy. I'm sure you can choose a different analogy that makes more sense to you if you try hard enough instead of arguing two or three levels removed from the actual issue.
Anyway, here's a clue. The bait is in Texas so unclean American blood can be spilled instead of clean Dutch blood. Wilders is not on your side. The guys that want to shoot him are not on your side either.

Comment Re:Way to get waaaay off the point (Score 1) 628

Were the sexual comments directed towards the person in the article?

Does it matter? It was probably enough to potentially drive kids away as the author is suggesting.

Is this an individual teenager complaining

The incident appears to have happened so we don't need a statistically significant number of complaints, just that it happened is enough for it to be used as an example to illustrate a point as is done in the article.

What facts exist that point to the Lena image being the exclusive cause of the "boys' sexual comments?"

The chain is events is pretty obvious, whether other incidents are going to happen or not this one was caused by a preventable fuckup by a teacher and the author then took steps to try to prevent it happening again.

The whole thing is written by a teen

Which is why some of the attacks on her by posters other than yourself are deplorable. Young or not, she's getting hassles in a computer class that have nothing to do with the subject and I think she has a point with the source of it. Maybe think of it like a missing bit of railing on a platform - an obvious accident waiting to happen, easy to fix, so why not fix it?

and the choice of Lena's image in particular

The problem is the teacher asking the students to search for it instead of merely providing the image which would be the professional thing to do. Allowing teenage boys to find the source and then bully other kids based on the baggage associated with Playboy is the unprofessional thing to do IMHO. I had enough trouble with first year engineering boys bullying the few girls in my classes so I think I can imagine what high school boys would be like in this situation.

It's a pity this issue has been blown so far out of proportion to be a "Friday night fight" about women in IT and engineering.

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