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Comment Re:Technically, it's not a "draft notice" (Score 1) 205

My Uncle looked at his draft number, and enlisted (more control over assignment).

He was right.

My grandmother forwarded his induction notice to him in Viet Nam.

He had the cook lay down, poured catchup over his head[1], and stood with his foot on the cook--and sent the picture back, from Viet Nam, to the draft board.


[1] Kind of silly to worry about color for a B&W picture . . .

Comment Re:Slashdot editors owe me a new keyboard. (Score 1) 365

>Now that they've found the Atari 2600 ET cartridges
>in a New Mexico landfill, there's plenty of room for
>all the Surfaces (all variants) that Microsoft can't sell.

wait a minute: they took those *out* of the landfill, rather than covering it i concrete, or calling in an air strike???

Comment No one is ever influenced by advertising (Score 4, Insightful) 254

No one is ever influenced by advertising, ask around. People say "no, I'd never buy something because it's on TV" but those infomercials stay in business for a reason.

So polling people and asking them if advertising is effective on them is a bit of a red herring. Like IQ tests - logically half the world has IQs less then 100. Oddly, I've never met any of them.

Now the question 'is social advertising effective' is certainly open for debate, but not because some survey says people believe it's not effective on themselves.


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