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Comment Re:Very subjective (Score 1) 382

Pros: Easier to identify astroturfers/shills.

Counter Con: What makes you think the rules will be applied to corporate persons or political entities?(who are the drivers behind most astroturfing.)

The rules apply to the little people, and if you judge the acceptability of a curtailment of freedom on the basis of the fairness of its application, you're judging falsely.

Comment Re:Automation, remote controls already exist (Score 1) 239

Yea, what you say is true, but it really doesn't make good news to talk about things that way. At least until somebody actually does it, then we get weeks of wall to wall "breaking news" and "Alert" coverage and the hosts of MSNBC will pontificate about how we should have known this was going to happen and stopped it.

If your point is that the talking heads always talk about everything but the threat which will actually materialize, true. Not a deep insight, but true.

OMG ROBOT BOMB CARZ is what's playing up on stage on tonight's episode of Security Masterpiece Theatre.

Quadcopter grenade bombers is what will actually happen. Unless it's something even more lo-tek, like moar pressure cookers.


Selectable Ethics For Robotic Cars and the Possibility of a Robot Car Bomb 239

Rick Zeman writes Wired has an interesting article on the possibility of selectable ethical choices in robotic autonomous cars. From the article: "The way this would work is one customer may set the car (which he paid for) to jealously value his life over all others; another user may prefer that the car values all lives the same and minimizes harm overall; yet another may want to minimize legal liability and costs for herself; and other settings are possible. Philosophically, this opens up an interesting debate about the oft-clashing ideas of morality vs. liability." Meanwhile, others are thinking about the potential large scale damage a robot car could do.

Lasrick writes Patrick Lin writes about a recent FBI report that warns of the use of robot cars as terrorist and criminal threats, calling the use of weaponized robot cars "game changing." Lin explores the many ways in which robot cars could be exploited for nefarious purposes, including the fear that they could help terrorist organizations based in the Middle East carry out attacks on US soil. "And earlier this year, jihadists were calling for more car bombs in America. Thus, popular concerns about car bombs seem all too real." But Lin isn't too worried about these threats, and points out that there are far easier ways for terrorists to wreak havoc in the US.

Comment Re:Digital stamping (Score 1) 144

Use any OpenPGP app to create a key pair, which has the property that any message encrypted with one half can be decrypted with the other half. This one half is your private key and the other half you make public.


There's no such thing as a single uniform federated national-level public key clearing house, in any nation. If you want this to happen for J. Random JapaneseGrandma, you'll have to install that first.

People who think PKI infrastructure is easy don't understand PKI.


Silent Circle's Blackphone Exploited at Def Con 46

Def Con shows no mercy. As gleefully reported by sites several Blackberry-centric sites, researcher Justin Case yesterday demonstrated that he could root the much-heralded Blackphone in less than five minutes. From n4bb.com's linked report: "However, one of the vulnerabilities has already been patched and the other only exploitable with direct user consent. Nevertheless, this only further proves you cannot add layers of security on top of an underlying platform with security vulnerabilities." Case reacts via Twitter to the crowing: "Hey BlackBerry idiots, stop miss quoting me on your blogs. Your phone is only "secure" because it has few users and little value as a target."

Comment Re:Nobody kills Java (Score 5, Interesting) 371

So, what you're saying is that Oracle's stagnant "sit on it" leadership is bad for people for whom the language and runtime are the end, the product, the point of it all.

As opposed to in the real world, in which the language and runtime are just tools to get shit done, and its users want stability.

You don't have to guess which community Oracle cares about. But if you're not sure, ask yourself which community can Oracle extort support contracts out of, or can be upsold on other products.

Follow the money. How much is the JCP paying Oracle to give a rat's ass about their concerns? Innovation is a cost center to someone protecting a market share, and competing against others who are protecting a market share.

If you want novelty, go find it someplace else. The other posters comparing Java to COBOL, even if jokingly, are very nearly right. Especially if you stipulate that, at the time of COBOL's dominance, the primary implementation of COBOL was associated with IBM big iron.

And that's your historical analogue of the day: COBOL was to IBM what Java is to Oracle.

Comment Re:Oracle trying to protect trade secrets (Score 2) 134

News flash, badly written laws get misused.

Every tool is a weapon in the hands of someone with violent intent.

Business is a battlefield. Weapons are damn useful in a battlefield.

Business is ultimately responsible for the weaponization of the law. How could anyone argue that the CFAA is intended for anything else? If no one is digging holes, the only use left for a shovel is bashing your adversaries. The only question left, and it's purely an academic one, is whether this (mis-)use of the CFAA is an accident arising after its inception, or its real but unpublicized raison d'être.


Facebook Seeks Devs To Make Linux Network Stack As Good As FreeBSD's 195

An anonymous reader writes Facebook posted a career application which, in their own words is 'seeking a Linux Kernel Software Engineer to join our Kernel team, with a primary focus on the networking subsystem. Our goal over the next few years is for the Linux kernel network stack to rival or exceed that of FreeBSD.' Two interesting bullet points listing "responsibilities": Improve IPv6 support in the kernel, and eliminate perf and stability issues. FB is one of the worlds largest IPv6 deployments; Investigate and participate in emerging protocols (MPTCP, QUIC, etc) discussions,implementation, experimentation, tooling, etc.

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