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Comment Re:I was moderately amused by the typos (Score 5, Insightful) 739

It's not ginned up outrage to waste dozens of man hours for someone else's mistake. GCC can be considered a Teir 1 OSS project. For a major point release to have an issue that, if verified, causes the founder of Linux to call it crap, then raw criticism is warranted. Raw, unfiltered , communication amongst trusted engineers leads to better outcome, I have found in my career. Keep the politically correct crap outside of the engineering room.

Comment Re:I know you're trying to be funny, but...ppl (Score 4, Insightful) 739

I'm super tired of this BS argument. I'm sick and tired of high performing professional being criticized for expecting high standards from others. Not every job requires or should have an abstraction layer of "people development," "life coaching," or professional courtesy and pleasantries. Some jobs, the jobs that truly change of course of human events requires breathtaking sacrifice, most significantly of all, putting aside ones ego when called out. If someone calls me an idiot for being wrong, whether justified or not, I'm still wrong and I accept it. If my performance is so shoddy that I get called out as incompetent, than an introspective person should have the maturity to realize that he or she caused such frustration to the other person that such words were uttered. To be able to take this is the sign of a true professional and leader. If you can't take the heat, just GTFO of the way, and go work at a Fortune 500 with regular white collar people with thin skin.

Comment Re:So who pays who? (Score 1) 234

The symmetric usage scenarios haven't been thoroughly explored so far. All it will really take is a few killer apps that will demonstrate use cases. The argument against high bandwidth today is the same arguments made about computers being "fast enough" in the 90's. Rather than thinking about services that are good enough, consider what is currently not possible with limited bandwidth?

We still don't have perfect realtime video calls. As the need to deal with low bandwidth has allowed advancements in efficient codecs, so to has the processing requirements of endpoints to handle the codec. Allowing for less intensive codecs that use more bandwidth would enable better experience.

Comment Re:I guess they won't need any more foreign Visas? (Score 1) 383

Are programmers willing to work for $45/hr? Then that is what they are worth. Did you think the laws of supply and demand don't apply to you (you precious thing)?

While neoclassical economics models equates labor as a commodity that obeys supply & demand, the evidence is actually dismal. Labor does does not follow supply and demand in the real world modern economies. Wages earned by the laboring class from the capitalist class is more accurately described by classical economics; essentially that profit is derived by the systemic underpayment to the laboring class. The greater the ability of the capitalist class to dictate legal, financial, and operational terms, the more profit it is able to extract from labor. For the value that the CS and IT profession creates within all industries, it is vastly underpaid. Capitalists and financialists recognise this, but the general public does not.

Comment Re: waste of time (Score 1) 380

If you are only looking at the consumer side, sure I'll give you that, but you have to look at the macro policy with the currency, central bank policy, and fiscal policy to see that it is anything but free. China exercises massive capital control. Don't get me wrong western countries should adopt similar macro policy, but these are hardly things that the mainstream would consider traditional "free market."

Comment Re: A truly idiotic democrat idea! (Score 1) 501

The needed resiliency for buildings and communities in tornado alley would be far beyond cost prohibitive without federal and state subsidy. Tornado resilient buildings are fiction. Today even the most resilient areas will succumb to massive disruption of life and economic output due to tornados. I live in Texas, and when Fort Worth had a tornado in the middle of downtown, talk buildings were essentially out of order for months due to damage. These were modern commercial structures too!

Comment Re: Remind my why they are being sued (Score 4, Interesting) 484

I lived in the UK as an expat for 3 years. My boss who recruited me at the time mentioned often how she could never stand to watch the TV in America. I didn't understand what it was until I started watching UK TV. At first it was really annoying because advertising was limited to mostly insurance ads, and a few household goods. Then it dawned on my how little diversity there was. I had probably gone 6 months without ever having seen a movie trailer or annoying news promos shouting at the viewer. In general, watching UK TV was either a calming or relaxed experience. The volumes were lower, the banter more intelligent, and though I gag at saying this, "it warmed the soul." Fast forward three years later coming back to the US. TV is loud, obnoxious, alarming, and basically rile up the viewers. I even learned to the cook decently simply by watching shows by Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver. CNN International was a joy to watch. I can't tell you all the amazing Ricky Gervais material we are missing here in the States. The kicker is that they still have all the best US shows!

Some aspects are very subtle, others are clearly apparent. An example of this watching the news. Compare Canadian or UK news with what we call news in the US. It's truly laughable here with respect to tv news.

I'll take UK TV over US broadcasting anyday.

Comment Re: Remind my why they are being sued (Score 4, Informative) 484

Most people think broadcasters still operate under an ad revenue model. This not true today. Cable retransmission deals is where the real money is. If broadcasters were limited to the old ad revenue model, the industry would implode.

Personally I think we should have the UK model with a TV license. The programming is far superior and enriching to the minds of the citizenry.

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