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Comment Re:I must not be getting this.. (Score 1) 301

using some algorithm I'm currently unfamiliar with so will not bother to explain in detail but the point is it exists, take a share of the transaction they facilitated as a "transaction fee"

The sender in the transaction specifies the transaction fee. The wiki has more info.

"the person attempting to make a transaction can include any fee or none at all in the transaction. On the other hand, nobody mining new bitcoins necessarily needs to accept the transactions and include them in the new block being created. The transaction fee is therefore an incentive on the part of the bitcoin user to make sure that a particular transaction will get included into the next block which is generated. It is envisioned that over time the cumulative effect of collecting transaction fees will allow somebody creating new blocks to "earn" more bitcoins than will be mined from new bitcoins created by the new block itself. This is also an incentive to keep trying to create new blocks even if the value of the newly created block from the mining activity is zero in the far future. "

Comment Re:NSA failed to halt subprime lending, though. (Score 4, Informative) 698

We stood idly by while Saddam expended huge quantities of chemical weapons.

Personally that may be true. On a bigger scale, we (the United States) provided helped them deploy the chemical weapons.

Our governments (US and UK) knew very well what Saddam had, and what Saddam was capable of.

We certainly should have known what Saddam had and was capable of. First, we helped put the Ba'ath party in to power. During the Iran / Iraq war, we helped them financially and with intelligence information. Then, we sold the precursors of chemical weapons to them and provided reconnaissance intelligence that was used in their deployment. Why else would Donald Rumsfeld be smiling as he shook Saddams hand in 1983?

You will note, I hope, that I've said nothing in Saddam Hussein's defense. I have ONLY pointed out how dishonest our own governments are.

And here is more evidence supporting that supposition.

Comment Re:An Honest Question (Score 1) 213

ever-increasing value of a bitcoin

This can also be seen as the ever-decreasing value of the USD. The Federal Reserve has been been buying $80+billion in Treasury Bonds every month since the third round of Quantitative Easing started in September 2012. Lets see if they follow through on the tapering program this time.

Comment Re: It's official (Score 1) 276

what happens when, say, Google, comes along with their own digital currency and offers lower (or even no) transaction fees?

Outside transaction fees, let look at some of the advantages bitcoin has over this theoretical googlecoin.

  • Chargebacks. I expect any googlecoin is going to work more like paypal than bitcoin. If transactions are not reversible, why is a vendor going to accept googlecoin over bitcoin? They can already accept credit cards or paypal, which have this feature.
  • Distributed accounting. Is google going to run the entire accounting system? Why should I trust them any more than the Federal Reserve to not inflate their currency? If the accounting system was truely distributed, why would I participate without compensation?
  • What happens when google or one of their friends don't like your politics or actions? See wikileaks and how Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and other payment processors stopped processing payments to them.
  • Do you think you are going to be using googlecoin without providing government issued ID? We already know they are giving your personal data to the US government and cannot tell you about it. Transaction data for googlecoin will be going right along with your email, IM, and text messages.

Comment Re:Anonynimity (Score 3, Informative) 276

the coin went from user A to Silk Road and then to a bunch of random wallets and back out to user B, and user C who was the person who sold the item got a different one

Except that Silk Road, or any other user, can create an effectively infinite number of addresses to send and receive the coins. A user doesn't have to give their SSN, drivers license, and proof of residency to get a new address. Knowing how many coins are at any given address is indeed part of the bitcoin protocol. Knowing who controls the keys for that address is not part of the protocol, and it requires additional work to find the data NOT in the blockchain to understand.

So User A sends coins to a unique address at SR, where it gets thrown in the pool, sliced, diced, and chopped, and reconstituted, then goes out from another unique address to User B.

Granted, if you capture a wallet, you now know a group of address and CAN backtrack through the blockchain to understand who some of the players were in previous transactions. Is bitcoin anonymous? No. Does it allow a user to make it difficult to keep track of what they are doing, and with whom? Yes. Does some three-letter agency have a tool that tries to map those associations, I'd bet a bitcoin on yes.

Comment Re:Anonynimity (Score 1) 276

This is what makes money laundering possible...BitCoin is not like this

It can be. Services exist that allow you to put your bitcoins in, have them mixed repeatedly with other users bitcoins, and get back different bitcoins. Silk Road had this feature built in, the user didn't have to ask for or configure it.

what IP address owned that wallet at the time

What is the IP address of a piece of paper?

Comment Re:US Patent No. 4,686,605 (Score 1) 251

11 years later, the USAF published Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025. In the executive summary, they state:

Technology advancements in five major areas are necessary for an integrated weather-modification capability: (1) advanced nonlinear modeling techniques, (2) computational capability, (3) information gathering and transmission, (4) a global sensor array, and (5) weather intervention techniques. Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.

I would suggest that significant advancements have been made in all of those areas.

I am not a meteorologist, but it seems like the ability to significantly alter any particular weather event could come from the ability to selectively heat a specified area of the atmosphere. That seems right in line with the claims in the patent.

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