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Comment Re:Not surprised. (Score 1) 570

I was renting my house out and had someone managing the property. Part of the property management agreement is filling out a form so that bills are sent to Property Manager when it is unoccupied. Instead the electric company sent bills to the house after my renters moved out. After 3 months they forwarded it to a collections agency.

The property manager cut the collections agency a check, but I kept getting collection notices. Eventually it came down to the collection agency putting the check against the wrong account. After the admitted the mistake they STILL sent me collection notices. I had to send them a formal letter threatening them with a lawsuit to get it fixed. They never responded back to me but they quietly fixed the issue. It took over 6 months to get it straight.

These are not simply billing issues, but accounting issues and the only person who seems accountability to anyone is the debtor; and they have to figure who F**K these people are and if they are doing their job.

Comment Yeah Right (Score 1) 664

We have backup, guns, radio, jackets — all that stuff civilians don't have.

Except the will to actually use it. Recovering I-Phones don't get great media coverage or the adrenaline high that a drug-bust (or maybe an eviction notice).

Lets call it like it is, people don't trust police to take of these problems. After working with police officers a few times, too many of them are jerks. Not all of them, but enough.

Comment Facebook the new Microsoft (Score 1) 108

So lets say Facebook is the king of social media, but they are a one trick pony, they have their web site and little else. I guess they will buy their way into markets. Sound familiar? It is like he copied the Microsoft business plan, buy anything their competitors would be involved in.

It did not work for Microsoft, and it is not going to work for Facebook.

Comment Re:So what happens when there are no more jobs? (Score 1) 870

I think these guys live in the bubble imagining that things will auto-magically work out instead of it turning into the Roman Empire where everything just gets stripped to the ground.

Rome only did well as the plunder kept coming in. When that stopped, you are looking at bread and circuses and a matter of time before the existing system(whatever that may be) falls apart.

Comment Re:No expectation of privacy (Score 4, Insightful) 405

The law also does not provide that the police officers can stalk you 24/7 without some sort of warrant.

The laws were originally written when there was no "Orwellian" state where you could anonymously watched/recorded in public everywhere. Lets no pretend incidentally stumbling onto a suspicious conversation is the same as monitoring EVERY conversation.

Comment Do the crime, do the time (Score 4, Insightful) 137

So, can look forward to anyone doing jail time? That is the really the only way this will stop. That or directly start suing the individuals who implemented the policies and make them pay. After that I am willing to bet once a few executives lose their hard won millions will be a little gun shy about conspiring to do anything.

Actually the more I think about it, the best way to reign these practices in is directly suing individuals. Once they can no longer hide behind the corporate veil, the less inclined they will be collude together.

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