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Comment Re: Delivery drones (Score 1) 162

Dude : droning on against disbelievers is not helpful to your cause.

Stop the frankenstienish stretched analogies. Some folk here have creative alternatives and are not trolls ; they deserve serious answers.

And yes, they are right about the danger - a sudden gust of wind that lifts a large, twisting, plastic sheet can foul all of a drone's propellors - whether 6 or 16. Which can fly it into a powerline, a soft skull, another drone, or your windshield doing 67 mph.

  You do.not.want to be below one of these when it happens in crowded skies.

Comment Re:Slashdot reports on an obscure mice experiment. (Score 1) 109

Well, Biogen's drug may have its place but it isn't exactly a Speedy Gonzales, and its side-effects include brain swelling.
"Wall Street analysts predict could get the drug to market by 2020"

Also, this research is more elegant - it uses your blood's own cleanup cells to fight the plaques, versus injecting you with a foreign antibody like Biogen's does.

Comment Re:Steampunked (Score 1) 389

The mind boggles....

Corded Wifi!
App Cartridges!
Or, for the ultimate in convenience -- Dial-an-App! Just dial "C","r","a","z","y"," ","B","i","r","d","s" using the convenient 26-character dial to enjoy the latest in fist-pumping, arcade-style gameplay in the expansive 2x60 character display

Comment Did you? (Score 1) 400

BTK video ... of your young niece?
Or a snuff video ... of your mum?

Can't walk the walk? Then don't talk the talk!

More to the point - all copyright or ownership of the video became forfeit to the young man when he was being tortured. And it has passed to his legal hiers. So if they don't want you to watch it, or wish to remove certain portions, you do not have the right to watch or distribute it.

The only exceptions are fair use, or genuine public interest (with 'public interest' determined by a legitimate authority - like a government fighting the murderers)..

Supporters of the GPL, or any copyright-based licenses - this is particularly applicable to you.

Comment Re: In other news... (Score 1) 307

In related news, free-will has been conclusively proven to be an illusion - whether for man or angel - by a Slashdot forum poster studying the BiBle. Imprisoned serial killers have used this fact to successfully challenge their sentences.

Pesky references to God opposing, curtailing, casting down Satan in certain books of the Old Testament have previously been mitigated by skillful redaction efforts.

Comment Re: In other news... (Score 1) 307

In related news, free-will has been conclusively proven to be an illusion - whether for man or angel - by a Slashdot forum poster studying the BiBle. Imprisoned serial killers have used this fact to successfully challenge their sentences.

Pesky references to God opposing, curtailing and casting down Satan in certain books of the Old Testament had previously been mitigated by skillful redaction efforts.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
