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Comment JavaScript is teh SUX!!11 (Score 1) 195

Oh, wait. I'm trapped seven years in the past.

JavaScript is wicked fast, has first class treatment of functions, JSON and the object model are beautiful, and its duck-typing supports great mixins patterns. JavaScript is now outside the browser with Node.js. The Node people made some awesome wise design decisions and Node is awesome. In spite of stupid haters, JavaScript just keeps getting bigger and bigger and racking up more successes. It beat Applets, Flash, VBScript, and challengers not worth mentioning to dominate the web. And it is not only on the server now but is showing itself to be in many ways better than other server side languages such as Ruby, Python, and Java. JavaScript is probably the number one language that old code is being refactored into and this isn't just because browsers support it. Other languages can compile to JavaScript, but no one cares because JavaScript is just that awesome. If there is one language that is exciting to follow these days, it is JavaScript.

BUT TEH === ! IT SUX!!

Comment That's the market system... (Score 1, Insightful) 171

Oh wait, intellectual property laws are completely incompatible with the free market. I suppose our system is to reward the wealthy and powerful and punish anyone who gets between the rich and their money.

In any case, our system has been working really great. Oh wait, real wages are falling and we are destroying the environment.

At least we've stopped people from listening to sinful music or at least making them watch crap ads on Youtube.

Comment Go to recruiters (Score 2) 479

A PhD is probably valuable to the right people. When you have the skills that make you worth talking to, the easiest place to go is a recruiter. They will at least get people to talk to you. And if you are getting interview practice, you'll learn what you have to do.

I suppose I'd also suggest putting together a Github. If you put up some Angular code or something else people seek, you'll at least get something.


U2 and Apple Collaborate On 'Non-Piratable, Interactive Format For Music' 358

Squiff writes U2 and Apple are apparently collaborating on a new, "interactive format for music," due to launch in "about 18 months." (A direct interview is available at Time, but paywalled.) Bono said the new tech "can't be pirated" and will re-imagine the role of album artwork. Marco Arment has some suitably skeptical commentary: "Full albums are as interesting to most people today as magazines. Single songs and single articles killed their respective larger containers. ... This alleged new format will cost a fortune to produce: people have to take the photos, design the interactions, build the animations, and make the deals with Apple. Bono’s talking point about helping smaller bands is ridiculous ... There's nothing Apple or Bono can do to make people care enough about glorified liner notes. People care about music and convenience, period. As for “music that can’t be pirated”, I ask again, what decade is this? That ship has not only sailed long ago, but has circled the world hundreds of times, sunk, been dragged up, turned into a tourist attraction, went out of business, and been gutted and retrofitted as a more profitable oil tanker."
Social Networks

Netropolitan Is a Facebook For the Affluent, and It's Only $9000 To Join 178

MojoKid writes Facebook has become too crowded and too mundane. With around 1.3 billion Facebook users, it's understandable to be overwhelmed by everything and want to get away from it all. However, unlike Facebook which is looking to connect everyone to the internet, there is a new site called Netropolitan that focuses more on exclusivity and privacy. The site was founded by composer and former conductor of the Minnesota Philharmonic Orchestra James Touchi-Peters who wanted to provide a social media site for affluent and accomplished individuals. People wishing to join need only pay a mere $9,000 to join. Of that amount, $6,000 is the initiation fee and the remaining $3,000 is for the annual membership fee which users will continue to pay. So what does the initiation and annual fee get you? For starters, Netropolitan will offer an ad-free experience and will not promote any kind of paid promotions to its members. However, it will allow the creation of groups by businesses in which members can advertise to each other under certain guidelines.

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