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Comment Re:Help Us Grammar Nazi's; You're Our Only Hope. (Score 1) 1036

First off, it's "Grammar Nazis". Sorry.

Second off, you missed the word "Pay" in the headline.

Who is adding something? Google.
What are they adding? Pay.
Why are they adding pay? To cover a tax.
What tax? A tax for being gay.

As long as you read all the words, you can break it down to make sense of it.

Comment Re:Umm (Score 1) 371

Who are you, and what have you done with the real geekoid? This is the worst typing I've ever seen from you here... are you typing under duress? is the BSA at your company right now? Do we need to call 911 on your behalf?

Comment Re:Kindle Not Ready for Textbooks... (Score 1) 116

Points 2 and 3 are valid, and yes, hilighting and navigating are slower than a paper book. Point one, however, you're way off base about. "Locations" in Kindle books are absolute, down to the word. It doesn't matter what text size you're looking at, location 500 will be the same on each device. So rather than Page 20, the Kindle-enabled teacher would say navigate to location 232... the students would hit menu, go to location, and type 232... just as fast, if not faster, than trying to flip to a new page in a textbook.

And the new DX is a native pdf reader, where each page is a separate item. If the book is in pdf format, the teacher can say "Go to page 20" and it will be meaningful. The screenshots on show page numbers at the bottom of the screen where it describes pdf reading.

Hope that helps.

(owner of a K2)

Comment Re:It is a US conspiracy to eliminate Mexicans... (Score 1) 383

True, but have any Europeans died from it? Forgetting for the moment that the GP was a troll, he might actually be on to something. Create a disease that anyone can catch and then show symptoms and spread, but only kills one particular population set. It would rapidly spread globally, infecting nearly everyone, but only wipe out one population...

Comment Re:"I'm gonna stick my head into this" PUSA (Score 1) 155

Sorry, I'll stop. Now, I'll go Ess-Cee-You-Bee-Ay diving, and use my El-Ay-Ess-Eee-Arr to point out neat formations. Before that, though, I think the En-Eye-Cee card in my computer is broke. Can you come fix it?

Thanks for helping me not sound like a douchebag by pronouncing "scuba", "laser", and "nic" as words.

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