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Comment Re:The US gets back what it seeded (Score 1) 241

No, just that the US is the most high profile target.
When stupid crap happens, and various countries beg for steel rain...who do they ask?

Whatever. You can rail against the US govt, and/or the US voters for electing them.
The exact same thing happens elsewhere. But many people seem to want to put the onus on the US and only the US.

Comment Re:The US gets back what it seeded (Score 1) 241

When you vote for the bombing criminals, you become a legitimate target.

Obama - Syria, Libya
Bush II - Iraq, Afghanistan
Clinton - Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Kosovo
Bush I - Iraq

Continue as far back as you choose. And then fold in France, Britain, Germany, etc, etc, etc.

You really think this is a US only, and recent US only, issue? GMAFB.

Comment How about no (Score 1) 232

This wasn't a good idea the first time someone proposed this. Or the second time. Or the 5th, 10th, whatever.
Having ID that I may need to hand to a city/state/federal official, that lives on my a complete non-starter.

You get the little plastic thing in my wallet. You do NOT get all of my contacts and other information as well.

Comment Re:The Mathematical Case for..... (Score 1) 480

Yes, I get that. But generally, there are many, many other places to 'save/invest' $2 week.
Blow off Starbucks once a week.
Let up on the gas pedal 100 yards earlier on the morning drive.
Reduce the pizza guy tip a little bit, once a month.
Give up a vending machine candy bar twice.

Reduce your monthly internet connection plan.

Unless you are seriously, obsessivly, pinching the pennies....$2/week is trivial.

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