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Comment Re: So it is not an accurate Documentary Film? (Score 1) 289

I read recently that the half life of DNA is a few hundred years. No matter how many flies trapped in amber we find, we will never be able to recover enough dinosaur DNA to make Jurassic Park happen.

Not to mention that making a dinosaur out of fly DNA would be quite a feat in itself ;)

Comment Sure (Score 2) 376

I started out coding, then went into systems engineering, mostly server farms and LAN/WAN design, in my mid/late 20s. Then around age 30 I did go into management, operations and projects, for a number of years. Now, in my late 40s I am a senior network security engineer for a consulting firm. I make the same money I made in management (quite a bit) and have a lot more fun. You certainly can stay in or move back into technical roles past the age of 35.

Comment Re: So low carb vindicated again (Score 1) 252

Diabetic here. I don't exactly follow a ketonic diet but I eat very few carbs. I was amazed when doctors recommended 60 grams of carbs per meal. I do eat some carbs but about a third of that, and since I adopted that practice my need for insulin has dropped dramatically. I still need it, since my body produces little to none, but my blood panels now come back looking better than most non-diabetics. I eat a lot of protein and fat, and most of my carbs come from fruit and vegetables rather than processed grains.

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