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Submission + - DARPA Funds A $300 Software-Defined Radio For Hackers (

Sparrowvsrevolution writes: Over the weekend at the ToorCon hacker conference in San Diego, Michael Ossmann of Great Scott Gadgets revealed a beta version of the HackRF Jawbreaker, the latest model of the wireless Swiss-army knife tools known as “software-defined radios.” Like any software-defined radio, the HackRF can shift between different frequencies as easily as a computer switches between applications–It can both read and transmit signals from 100 megaherz to 6 gigaherz, intercepting or reproducing frequencies used by everything from FM radios to police communications to garage door openers to Wifi and GSM to next-generation air traffic control system messages.

At Ossmann’s target price of $300, the versatile, open-source devices would cost less than half as much as currently existing software-defined radios with the same capabilities. And to fund the beta testing phase of HackRF, the Department of Defense research arm known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) pitched in $200,000 last February as part of its Cyber Fast Track program.

Classic Games (Games) Not Really Gone 276

gspr writes "On Sunday, Slashdot and many others reported that DRM-free games site was shutting down. Now the site is back, revealing that it was all a hoax. According to the site: 'Now it's time we put an end to all the speculations once and for all. It's true that we decided that we couldn't keep the way it was so we won't. As you probably know by now, is entering its new era with an end of the two-years beta stage and we're launching a brand new with new, huge releases.' So it was all an advertising stunt."

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