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Comment argh (Score 2) 54

There was more information in the the text describing the video than the content of the video itself.
Also it seemed that the "suit" was the worst place to see the fireworks.

It's the sort of thing people share on Facebook and I believe it was made for that purpose as it contained no information or explanation, was short and didn't require sound to watch(safe for work).

Thankfully YouTube DOES contain lots of interesting information from people around the world. Of course of varying quality.
Personally I enjoy watching videos related to different type of electronics and pinball machines, found some useful repair videos. (one example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... ). Also Conan has his "serious jibber jabber" that I found interesting( https://www.youtube.com/playli... )

Comment Hope they think about it... (Score 1) 369

As others have stated most of the information doesn't seem to be any more harmful than a copy of The Cookbook. With regards to biological weapons: one would hope that whomever thought of this would keep on thinking to realize that poorer nations always fare worse when it comes to communicable diseases. They have fewer resources, longer response times, denser populations, etc.. If the biological isn't communicable it still doesn't make too much sense without some industrial scale dispersal methods which are generally easy to detect.

Comment Re:why internet connected? (Score 1) 111

Why can't they us a VPN AT LEAST? The GP is not ignorant but perhaps too idealistic. Personally while I don't think it is a good idea to have health records available on the internet I think it is far worse that our electrical system REQUIRES internet access and communication between various points. This is a horrible national security risk while private health records are rather difficult to either monetize or use (financial records excluded).

Comment Re:Failure of the 20th-Century Environmental Movem (Score 1) 249

I agree that there was a great failure in the US to build out newer nuclear plants in the latter years of the 20th century. Unfortunately it isn't as clear as you state. Energy produces were spreading mis-information if not lies about nuclear power while the Environmental people were crying about the waste. Nuclear power is NOT without its drawbacks. I remember vividly having a PG&E rep come into our class and go through her whole spiel which included numerous falsehoods. When I called her on it she was literally dumbfounded that anyone would know enough to question her falsehoods. It took me YEARS to realize that while PG&E wasn't being trustworthy about nuclear power the other options where worse (generally). So the energy companies themselves hold some of the responsibility for the failure to build new generation nuclear reactors. People do not like being lied to or mislead and often will assume your goals are suspect because of it.

Comment Discovery sucks ass (Score 1) 103

Ever since 2007 where they announced that hey decided to focus on "the people behind the technology, than the technology", they have been working hard to become nothing more than yet another "reality" show channel.
When I dropped cable tv 2 years ago, their transformation seemed to be complete and they had nothng but camera whores in their shows.

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