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Comment Re:clunky software? (Score 1) 143

When they find it takes a hour to print? not so much.

5-10 minutes tops before people are going to accept it. And that's if you can completely remove any user interaction with the technical side.

It's a 'printer' and they will expect it to work (and likewise the user not work) like one from 2010, not 1980.

Comment Re:What's been the hold up???? (Score 2) 100

It is very unlikely that they are directly connected to the underlying ocean

You know what's 'very unlikely'? A /. poster having any clue about Europa that NASA doesn't already know in it's sleep.

how do you think volcanoes work? melting rock only near the surface?

Besides, with ice formation it doesn't destroy evidence of organisms that were in the water.

Comment Re:Thick ice layter (Score 4, Insightful) 100

We'll never get through the thick ice layer.

We'll never be able to fly
We'll never be able to go into space
We'll never be able to land on the moon
We'll never be able to have civil and informative political discussions....

Ok, the 4th might be true, but 'never' and human ingenuity shouldn't be lumped together very often.

Comment Re:First amendment only applies to our friends (Score 1) 824

From the EEOC's website:

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.

It does NOT cover you holding and expressing views you're employer dislikes.

Comment Re:Flight recorder (Score 1) 491

I'll agree that most people who identify as libertarians..ala Ron/Rand Paul...simply aren't. I can respect a Libertarian point of view. It has concrete and arguable points. I fundamentally think it simply can't work in reality, but it's a nice ideal to strive for.

The Tea Party? It would be absolutely entertaining if it weren't such a viciously soul sucking pit of despair to anyone who appreciates logic.

The Dems a party of fiscal responsibility? Heh, whenever I've brought up the concept, my point to the Tea Party is 'tax and spend liberals' yep that's fiscal responsibility...PAYING for what you spend. Of course having the Tea Party understand that the vast majority of the debt has been rung up by Republicans is a wee bit too much to ask :) I'll even absolve Reagan of his increases as he (and a Dem Congress) bankrupted the Soviet Union making the world (hopefully) a better place.

As opposed to the GOP's quite literal flop of 'Tax and cut' yeah that'll work

Comment Re:Flight recorder (Score 3, Insightful) 491

So instead of this being something done by one or two people, you'd much rather it be a systemic problem with aircraft that tens of thousands of people fly in everyday?

Actually yes. The last time a 'few' people in cockpit tried nefarious stuff, the world changed and the US (my country) invaded Iraq and started headlong down the road to totalitarianism. A perfect storm really. An already corrupt 2 party system that doesn't do any serious check and balance, only raise money for re-election, now gets a perfect 'for the children' defense for *anything* proposed no matter how stupid or pointless it is.

Or we have a mechanical failure that can be fixed...

I'll take the latter every single time. The above sounds like a rabid libertarian point of view, but I assure you it isn't. I'm as left wing liberal as just about anybody. I believe in government and it having a purpose; but with the NSA and everything else we've seen in the last 15 is truly broken to the core and it's up to us to fix it.

Comment Re:Flight recorder (Score 1) 491

Which is why they waited literally days before asking the international community for help? Seriously, significant progress didn't begin until the other countries were allowed to start helping.

You can be a small country with limited resources, but you don't get to excuse for not calling for help when you are clearly in over your head.

Comment Re:ZOMG a bad thing didn't happen! (Score 1) 202

I figure since we already have them orbiting the sun to tell us about these things, it's probably reasonable to assume that's the most efficient way to do it.

You also need one directly between us and the Sun because we need to know the polarity of the CME. I forgot which way it is but it's either if it's opposite our magnetic field then it's harmless or if it's the same it's harmless. So we need to know that before shutting down the entire power grid...a telescope (light) isn't going to tell you that.

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