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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 28 declined, 6 accepted (34 total, 17.65% accepted)


Submission + - Are there any Open Source 2D printers?

fsterman writes: "After a few years of service, my Epson printer is dead. The part that really gets me upset is that I bought an entire pack of ink trying to fix the problem. Given the abundance of open-source 3D printers, I thought that an open source 2D printer would have been in production by now but Google didn't turn up anything. Do any Slashdot readers know of any projects I missed? Why haven't there been any open source 2D printers?"

Submission + - Finding Doctors with Electronic Records

fsterman writes: I bit into a cookie last night and a spike of pain shot through my jaw- I need to find a dentist! I just moved to town and I need a new one. I found a wonderful family doctor who uses electronic record keeping; it's amazing to have a doctor that can do a keyword search through your records or send electronic prescriptions to the pharmacy so they are ready for pickup. But finding him was a happy accident, doctors rarely advertise and I can't find any directory of techno-savvy doctors.

I was hoping some Slashdotters might have suggestions on how to find a doctor with electronic record keeping. Make it quick- my molars really hurt!

Submission + - Why don't printers just share their print driver?

fsterman writes: My day job is working at a printing company and the set-up for the $20,000 printer their and the $100 printer at my house is almost the exact same, except when I went browsing for the printer on my home network I needed to have the drivers installed on my laptop whereas the work printer shares the driver; no install needed. As a usability person, it's the single largest problem with printers. Why the hell don't the manufacturers just have the various drivers reside on the printer? It would only require a few megs of space, it would give a leg-up to smaller vendors, and it could be a great selling point "No driver install headaches!"

Submission + - Laws to Goad School Into Enforcing Privacy?

fsterman writes: I sit on a student government board which distributes funds for technology projects that benefit students. The head of security updated us about a swipe card system for the computer terminals that was approved and funded only to be blocked by the head of facilities because the man had a bad experience with swipe cards at a hotel. Potentially even more disturbing was how an faculty adviser had played off the presentation as one big "scare tactic" and that if identity theft had been happening we would "hear more about it." While I plan to make my opinion heard to both the head of facilities, the campus president, etc, the biggest problem is funding. Are there any laws (or lawyers) that /. readers can clue me in on to force them to protect my information?
Data Storage

Submission + - What happened to 5.25" hard drives? 12

indolering writes: "While scouring the usual suspects for cheap a HD I got to thinking about the old 5.25" hard drives of the 90's. I'm on a tight budget (as is everyone else these days) but I don't have room for another 3.5" hard drive. So I have to get an exponentially larger drive or an eSATA case. Since 5.25" inch disks have roughly twice the surface area, why wouldn't we still be making these suckers? The larger capacity would allow for more bad sectors/manufacturing defects, the SOHO, media center, and vanilla consumer NAS market doesn't seem to care if they are larger; users just hide the units behind the couch or stick them into a supplies closet. Is it more economical because of part overlap between the 2.5" and 3.5" disks, is the additional raw material more expensive than just increasing memory density, what?"

Submission + - Free GMAIL stickers! (

fsterman writes: "Not too long ago, one of the Gmail engineers broke out her vinyl cutter and made some Gmail m-velope stickers. Pretty soon, they were pasted to our desks, and adorning the walls around the office. But when a guy I was sitting next to on an airplane asked where he could get a Gmail sticker, we realized other people might like them too."

Submission + - Fraudster Vigilantism (

fsterman writes: I submitted my resume and credit history for an apartment rental on craigslist, only to find out from the apartment management that it was a fraud. When I found out the infamous P-P-P-PowerBook immediately came to mind. Now I am pissed, one for the poor idiots who might send this person money and two because they have my freaking credit history. I thought about sending them a virus in a PDF document, sadly the only widely known one requires Acrobat Pro — and I doubt the fraudster wouldn't have some kind of AntiVirus protection on their computer. So /. readers- give me some ideas here. (oh, and her email is BTW ;)

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
