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Comment Re:Most degrees from India... (Score 4, Insightful) 264

We have Indian applicants for the web developer jobs we have open at the moment, and invariably they all seem to have achieved degrees with honours in less than 2 years, often more than one degree in the same time. I refuse to believe that any degree achievable in less time than an equivalent UK degree is worth anything, let alone two.

And then, the number of those applicants who then claim to have achieved another major qualification in a London college or university in only a few months... Especially when you can link those London colleges to visa fraud stories in the national media.

It would take a lot for me to take an Indian graduate at face value.

Comment Re:Competing with government-sanctioned monopolies (Score 2) 185

The main reason that distribution became a monopoly was due to the over crowding of spaces with dozens of companies running their lines - take a look at the following link for an example:


To stop the over crowding, power companies were forced to merge and de-clutter the streets.

Comment Re:Hardware requirements? (Score 1) 198

There are various stories around about how Pixar do their dailies, such as switching over every workstation each night to being part of the render cluster etc, and I wouldn't see how the need to do that has been done away recently with performance increases in workstation hardware. They also have dedicated rendering clusters.

Comment Re:Ban teachers union (Score 1) 213

Oh, yay, unions had a place and that place was in the past. Your real point is what, exactly?

Today I don't have to join a union and I get treated fairly by the company I work for, and I can even engage in negotiations with that company without being fired. And I'm not forced to pay a union to treat me as a member of a herd rather than the individual I am.

So again, your point is what, exactly?

Comment Re:Ban teachers union (Score 2) 213

I am not in a union, there isn't a union involved at all within the company I work for, and they have north of 350 employees.

We all negotiate our own pay scales, for which mine is above average because I am a valued worker and can negiotiate for myself, and we receive very good benefits (private health care, sports tickets, days away etc) for free.

Why do I need a union? I'm not impoverished, despite you saying I should be without a union...

But then again I'm in the UK.

What sucks in the US is the concept of "union shops" where you *have* to join the union, or at least pay union dues, regardless. You can't work there without paying the union their cut of your pay packet. That's bullshit right there. A union should not be able to stop either an employer or a employee from having a relationship which fully excludes the union. Being part of a union should be 100% voluntary.

Unions are the equivalent of dragging everyone down to the same common denominator - if you are a decent employee working for a decent employer, you lose more than you gain through being part of the union and unable to negotiate for yourself.

Comment Re:2009 (Score 1) 209

Wow you have an attitude, and a bad one at that.

If you couldn't run Windows 8 without it crashing, then thats your problem - get better hardware. I have Windows 8/8.1 on several computers, none have crashed once in over a year. The OS is rock solid, even works perfectly with sleep and hibernation modes.

Who gives a shit about the colour scheme - for 99.9% of the time I'm staring at the same application screens I would be in any other versions of Windows, colour schemes don't come into it. Neither does aero, haven't missed it once.

Start screen? I actually like it - I won't say its for everyone, and perhaps it is an acquired taste, but I like it.

UAC? I dont see it until I need to - it doesn't pop up during normal operation, it pops up when it should.

Sounds like you are afraid of change, and are willing to lash out at everyone else because of it.

Comment Re:Elon Musk vs Richard Branson (Score 2) 105

Branson is exceptional at PR, but thats about it - he rarely actually achieves something revolutionary from scratch as musk is doing, he will rather buy up existing outfits that is on the verge of success or has just achieved success. Formula E is easy to compete in because the cars are stock and supplied by a single third party, while their space effort only came about after Scaled Composites achieved their fame. Virgin Atlantic et al are nothing to call home about.

Branson is all about making money, he rarely takes actual risks.

Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server [Backups] (Score 1) 320

Copy-only is fine for online databases, you will never have an issue with locks etc as its specifically designed to cope with them.

Also the action of copy-only is done by the database engine, so it knows what it has to deal with.

Incase you are misunderstanding, copy-only is an option you provide to SQL Server when copying the database via SQL commands and the database engine, it has nothing to do with dealing with the actual data files the live database is using.

I would never advocate backing up the actual mdf and ldf files, always use the systems the database engine provides because that knows better than you how to handle various situations and will flush stuff to disk as needed.

Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server (Score 1) 320

Sure, talk SQL. Now, what format are the data sets being returned in, and can you get access to the execution plans etc for audit purposes? How easy is it to integrate with an ORM. How easy is it to roll back a transaction. Does it choke when pulling a million rows?

There is no point in having a rock solid database if the results being returned to your code are untrustworthy due to poor quality client libraries.

In other words, you don't have any idea about the intricacies involved.

Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server (Score 1) 320

And yet you ignore the fact that most uses of databases are for "small potato" uses, in fact I wouldn't hesitate to suggest that the vast majority of databases are idle 99% of the time, and barely stressed for the remaining 1% of the time that they are actually doing something.

Hence doing ETL tasks on SQL Server Express with 100 million data rows is something I do - and I don't pay money to do it. And the free version of SQL Server is perfectly adequate for the job.

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