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Submission + - Research Shows Half of All Androids Contain Known Vulnerabilities (

Trailrunner7 writes: About half of all Android phones contain at least one vulnerability that could be used to take control of the device, according to new research. Duo Security, which launched a free vulnerability scanning app for Android this summer, said their preliminary data from users shows a huge number of the devices are vulnerable to at least one of the known Android flaws.

The X-Ray app from Duo scans Android devices for a set of known vulnerabilities in a variety of the Android releases. Many of them are flaws that attackers have used in the last few months. The main issue with Android security and patches is that each carrier is responsible for pushing out new versions of the operating system to its users and they all do it on random timelines. There's no set interval for updates and users don't have to upgrade, so there's a good chance that many users are running older, vulnerable versions of Android at any given time.

Submission + - Time and attendance systems (

An anonymous reader writes: One of the biggest expenses for any organisation happens to be the one incurred on employee payroll.
Red Hat Software

Submission + - Twin Peaks v Red Hat - got them by the balls! (

An anonymous reader writes: When we were little we were taught to always look both ways before crossing the street. The same lesson should be learned by companies that make software but choose to assert their patent(s) against others. Any time you make a claim of patent infringement and you are a producer you face the possibility of counterclaims unrelated to your patents, and those claims are not limited to patent infringement claims. This is a lesson now being learned by Twin Peaks Software in what may be the most important GPL enforcement action to date. Twin Peaks, having sued Red Hat and Red Hat subsidiary Gluster for patent infringement, now faces a counterclaim for copyright infringement for including critical GPL code in its products while failing to comply with the GPL. If Red Hat is successful on that claim and obtains a permanent injunction, which it is requesting, Twin Peaks could be out of business.

Submission + - Opening Soon: The North-West Passage (

DevotedSkeptic writes: "Every time a new sea ice extent record is broken, the same question comes up: how long until it’s gone? That is, how long will it be before the Arctic Ocean is functionally ice-free in the summer, legitimately opening the once-fabled Northwest Passage?

The fact is, we don’t know. Climate models continue to underestimate the rate of sea ice loss we’re observing, leaving researchers to hazard less scientific guesses. Many estimate that day will come around 2030, but some others push it out to 2070. Regardless, Arctic sea ice is changing—and fast. The prospects of open shipping routes and newly-accessible resources have corporations chomping at the bit and governments racing to prepare the way. Three (open access) articles in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists describe the outlook for a changing Arctic from the perspectives of the US, Russia, and Canada. There will be some disagreements, but all parties have at least one view in common—things will get complicated.

The Three big issues that will appear when the Polar Ice Cap fully melts in the summer are: Shipping, Mineral Rights, and Defense and Management.

Shipping brings fuel and tankers into as well as ice breakers if the Arctic becomes a shipping route. Not to mention search and rescue facilities and safe harbors.

With an estimated 30 percent of the worlds's undeveloped natural gas and 13 percent of undeveloped oil resources there will be mineral rights disputes over these resources.

Defense of a North shore that previously could remain undefended (except for listening posts etc) may require Canada to step up it's presence along it's north coast."


Submission + - Intel says Clover Trail won't work with Linux (

girlmad writes: Intel's Clover Trail Atom processor can be seen in various non-descript laptops around IDF and the firm provided a lot of architectural details on the chip, confirming details such as dual-core and a number of power states. However Intel said Clover Trail "is a Windows 8 chip" and that "the chip cannot run Linux".

While Intel's claim that Clover Trail won't run Linux is not quite true — after all it is an x86 instruction set so there is no major reason why the Linux kernel and userland will not run — given that the firm will not support it, device makers are unlikely to produce Linux Clover Trail devices for their own support reasons.

Submission + - Patent troll sues X-Plane ( 2

symbolset writes: X-plane is a cross-platform flight simulator app, notably the only serious one that supports Mac OSX and Linux. It's under threat by an NPE (Non Practicing Entity), Uniloc, suing for things X-Plane has done for decades. X-plane cannot afford to defend this suit, so if somebody doesn't step up and defend them then we lose X-plane forever.

Submission + - There's enough wind energy to power Earth 200x over (

notscientific writes: "Renewable sources of energy are obviously a hit but they have as yet failed to live up to the hype. A new study in Nature Climate Change shows however that there is more than enough power to be harnessed from the wind to sustain Earth's entire population... x200! To generate energy from the wind, we may however need to set up wind farms at altitudes of 200-20,000 metres. To be fair, the study is purely theoretical and does not look at the feasibility of such potential wind farms. Regardless, the paper does provide a major boost to backers of wind-generated energy. Because science has confirmed that the sky's the limit."
The Courts

Submission + - Dutch court rules hyperlinks illegal

Ubi_NL writes: "In today's ruling of Playboy (via publisher Sanoma) vs Dutch blog Geenstijl, the court ruled that hyperlinking to copyrighted material was itself infringement of copyright. The court ordered the blog to remove all links to the infringing links (court ruling in dutch). How this ruling fits into the supreme court ruling that hyperlinks cannot by themselves infringe copyright is still to be discussed, possibly in an appeal. An interesting detail of the case is that the anonymous source that pointed Geenstijl to the images did this from an IP address within the Sanoma organisation..."

Comment Another fly on the wall heard from (Score 2) 570

Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world -- right now.
But everyone with a soap box seems to think they know better than Apple management how the company should be run.
If they are really that smart go start your own company and beat Apple at it's own game.

Comment Boycott the Times not Apple (Score 1) 744

The key organization quoted in the article has gone on record as saying the article is false and misleading.
BSR Open Letter to NYT

"The narrative you present is an inaccurate picture of the work we have done with Apple, of the role Apple played in the worker hotline project, and of BSR’s views of Apple."

Move along. Nothing to be seen here. Just another news hack selling papers.

Comment Re:Why are Libs so enamored with taxes? (Score 4, Insightful) 623

How many of those 25k affiliates "forgot" to include their affiliate income?.......

So anyone who has a different opinion from yours is a law breaker?
Or is that what you do when you think you can get away with it?

Amazon's position has been tested all the way to the Supreme Court.
Amazon is in the right and CA is trying to do something the Constitution prohibits.
Nuff Said!

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