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Comment wrong (Score 2) 367

"getting history or political science degrees?"
funny how the article says STEM, but when people need to find examples no one uses a STEM career as an example.

" I've said for years the real money lies in being a welder, plumber, or an electrician.
nope. facts do not bare that out at all.

average incomes:
welder - 32K
plumber - 26k
electrician - 39K
software - 71k
software engineer - 90k
electrical engineer - 83k
civil engineer - 78k
social scientist - 86k

Comment Re:LOL ... (Score 2) 367

College is about an education, not 'job'. The only problem is people are under the delusion that any degree will pay 6 figures and then get an easy degree.
Afterwords they are shocked, Shocked I tell you, that someone who spent 4 year learning music means they get to be a barrista.

It's fine to get a music degree, just don't whine when you have no plan on applying it.

Having a liberally educated populace is good for everyone.
well, cost is an issue to, but I'm a democratic socialist, so I think education should be paid from society. The benefits of this for society is very high.
Or at least a series of colleges that are funded via tax system.

Comment Re:Bullshit, and this is why: (Score 1) 367

" Invest in trade schools and weed out the seat-fillers so you actually graduate capable people."
so people who don't adapt the they way high school works should just be cast out into the snow.

You're an evil SOB.

I had a really hard time in HS. Fortunately, unlike you, the school system isn't so lazy it just throws their hands in the air and threw me out.

Comment Re:College is unsustainable longterm (Score 1) 367


Any student who walks out of high school in the USA can find an apprenticeship, and get paid and learn. We don't need it in the school system.

The openly problem is with people who seem to think a BS degree in a subject not in demand means they get to make a lot of money.

I don't know any STEM graduates that don't have work. When the media started whipping the 'college degree isn't worth anything' hysteria, every person that was out of work they interviewed would have something like 'liberal art and I studied american ghost stories and not I can't find a job!'*

"I would definitely jump onto the skills market again if I were coming out of High School and not all into STEM degree.
That's fine, but you wouldn't have made nearly the same money. Also, you can learn any of those trades now.

*actual quote.

Comment protip (Score 1) 367

anything taught in shop can be taught in 3 months, tops. Usually through an apprenticeship program.

Nothing is STEM can be.

STEM promotes critical thinking, and exploration. Trades do not.

High School Education is NOT about making money. It's about getting a wide education that you can apply.

Learning STEM helps with the trades. The trades do not help with STEM.

Comment Re:DUI checkpoints (Score 1) 461

Not really, since many officers can claim to smell marijuana in its complete absence. Make them verify the smell with some chemical test before they can search and you'll probably get a lot less searches since they aren't actually smelling weed.

Good luck getting departments to buy weed-sniffing equipment (assuming it exists) which is clearly inferior to officers' own noses. And it will be inferior unless it can provide false positives on demand.

Comment Re:Difference between erratic & erotic (Score 1) 600

Gut bacteria and virus have both been implicated in "mental" illness. Look up "Toxoplasmosis".

There's a reductionist orthodoxy, which views man as a brain on a stick - or a monkey driving a robot. Transplant the monkey in a new robot, and you have the same being. Only it's just not true.

Your entire nervous system is an extended "brain", in some regards. The entire "Me" that we have is a hive, and a colony of interdependence. Without getting all speculative or "holistic" examine mitochondria, for Pete's sake!

For the geek set: Luke is as much a manifestation of his midichloreans as he is a history of brain impulses. Put his brain in C3PO and you don't get Luke+Life Extension. You get a limited Luke simulacrum, able to replay Luke memory without new Luke experience or interaction. Plop his brain into Han Solo's body, and he will not be Luke anymore - He may be surprisingly like Han, with amnesia.

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