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Comment Re:FUD and kneejerk reactions (Score 3, Insightful) 209

And yet IRS has been used for political gain and private citizens tax information have been turned over political operatives. This was illegal under federal law, but still happened with no consequences.

What makes you think that this will not happen with private citizens medical info?

Comment Re:News For Nerds? (Score 1) 401

You might want to look at all the bills that Reid has stopped in the Senate first. And the reason why the filibuster is being threatened so much is thats the only tool the Reps have. Reid has prevented the Reps from submitting any changes/addendums to bills. In other words, you have bought the Dem party line...hook, line and sinker.

Comment Re:Theory vs reality? (Score 3, Informative) 172

A few points of order though.
- Clinton signed Kyoto but never sent it to the senate. The reason being is it never had support from either party and would have died by about 90 votes.
- Second, W could have withdrawn from Kyoto with a stroke of a pen as the President can cancel treaties.
- And finally, treaties inherently do not have the force of law behind them. They do not supersede Federal, State or even individual rights (see the recent Bond v US ruling). Now the Obama admin doesn't agree with this as they argued that a treaty trumps everything....but as we know with Obama/Holder, just because he says its doesn't mean its true.

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