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Comment Re:May you (Score 3, Insightful) 330

And let's also hope that nobody ever actually commits rape and gets caught and convicted.

Censorship is always a two-edged sword. I have never heard of any form of censorship where you couldn't rightly cite some examples where it's a good idea, but freedom-lovers can play the examples game too.

Loose lips sink ships, but the king is taxing us unfairly. Which side are you on?

Comment Re:WHY property? (Score 1) 1197

What is this american obsession with property.
Privacy is someting you can expect, regardless of property. It in fact has nothing to do with property.
Privacy is something you can excpect even in a public place.
Even at the beach. Someone talking a picture of you without permission can not publish that.
Whether you own thy beach or not.

Are you sure about that? We have a local news segment here in silicon valley on channel 4 (nbc?) called people behaving badly, and because he films people in public spaces, he does NOT need you to sign a waiver to use your image on TV, the guy who does the segment held a little ama on the news channel on the weekend where he discussed in length how public pictures are not prohibited by privacy laws.

this included places like crosswalks, front yards, side of the freeway, people in their cars, etc.. i haven't seen any open air place yet that he has had to blur images of people.


Windows 10 App For Xbox One Could Render Steam Machines Useless 170

SlappingOysters writes: The release of Windows 10 has brought with it the Xbox app -- a portal through which you can stream anything happening on your Xbox One to your Surface or desktop. Finder is reporting that the love will go the other way, too, with a PC app coming to the Xbox One allowing you to stream your desktop to your console. But where does this leave the coming Steam Machines? This analysis shows how such an app could undermine the Steam Machines' market position.

Comment Re:Here's a thought... (Score 1) 318

So, if your potential boss or landlord or police officer doesn't recognize that people change, what the heck do you do?

For the first two, obviously, you either persuade them or you find someone else to work for / rent from. Freedom of association means that they have no obligation to hire you or rent out their property to you, regardless of the reason. Hiding information about your past which you know would be considered relevant amounts to fraud.

If your treatment by a police officer or any other representative of the government acting in an official capacity is influenced by outdated posts on social media sites, or anything else apart from your current standing under the law, you've got bigger issues. In any case, odds are that a law permitting you to delete your information from the Internet, even if it could somehow be implemented effectively, would not prevent the police from learning about your youthful indiscretions.

Comment Re:The three keys on the top-right (Score 2) 698

If you expect to need it, create the file /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq with the contents set to 1. This makes the key combo active by default, and survives rebooting.

The /proc directory is a virtual filesystem; nothing in there survives rebooting. If you want the sysrq keys to remain enabled after a reboot you need to write to that file from an init script.

Comment Re:Here's a thought... (Score 1) 318

What's wrong with wanting it gone?

There's nothing wrong with wanting it gone, perhaps, but what's wrong about enforcing that desire by law is that it amounts to trying to censor factual information about the past. You don't have to tell anyone about your more embarrassing historical moments, but it's wrong to forcibly prevent others from sharing what information they possess.

The right answer here is to simply recognize that people change, that it's normal to have some things in one's past that may be embarrassing (or even outright illegal), that everyone goes through this period of growing up, and that what one said or did as a child—or for that matter, as a younger adult—does not necessarily correlate with one's views or behavior in the present.

Comment Re:No Compromises (Score 1) 154

I've never had a keyboard phone fail

A beer spilled on my Treo 650, killing a couple of keys. I was able to buy a replacement keyboard off a random eBay seller and swap it in without much trouble (after which the phone was as good as new), but it was an annoyance all the same.

I suspect a newer touchscreen phone would've been less vulnerable to that kind of failure. Can't say that I've tested the theory yet, even though I usually have a beer in one hand and my phone in the other (to log the beer) whenever a beerfest is on.

Comment Blame the users: here's why (Score 2) 120

As usual, I prefer to blame the victims (us).

On a desktop personal computer, it would never occur to you to think "Oh, I just assume I'll get software maintenance from my ISP," and if anyone ever actually said that then you would point your finger at them and laugh and their over-the-top stupidity.

But change the form factor of the personal computer to handheld and suddenly we don't do the pointing and laughing. On the very face of it, it's JUST AS STUPID. So WTF?

Users are not exercising their common sense. They simply aren't. You can make excuses for not using common sense and explain why we did this very obviously stupid thing, but don't pretend it's not happening. Every morning you're getting up and putting a "kick me" sign on your back. You know that you're doing it and you know what consequences will invariably flow from it.

"I don't have any other signs to put on my back! All the signs on the market say 'kick me!'"

"Just because I wear a 'kick me' sign that doesn't mean anyone really has license to kick me! They shouldn't be doing that to me!"

Ok, go on and say those things. You even have some valid points, and the things you're saying might even be technically correct. But that doesn't mean you don't sound stupid, because you don't have not getting kicked in your requirements! WTF, people?!

Stop thinking of handhelds as some weird special case where ALL your experiences with software maintenance magically don't apply! THAT'S STUPID! So yeah, I'm a victim-blamer. You know when you buy your PC from your ISP or from a manufacturer who has a history of preventing maintenance, what's going to happen. And when people pretend they don't know the invariable consequences of buying PCs from ISPs, the stupidity takes on a flavor of dishonesty. Mmmm, yum!

Comment Re:That's copyright for you (Score 1) 292

All the embedded links are relative, actually. The browser shows them as file:// URLs because they're in a local file. They do appear to be session-specific, and don't work for me, either, now that my session has timed out. I'd probably have to download the pages all over again to get updated links.

Here is the script:

#! /bin/bash
URL="... first page ..."
while :; do
___FNAME="$(printf "gacode%03d.html" $N)"
___wget -T5 -t3 --no-cookies --header "`<cookie-header.txt`" -O "$FNAME" "$URL" || break;
___NEXT="$(xmllint --html --xpath 'string(//a[img/@title="Next"]/@href)' "$FNAME" 2>/dev/null)"
___[ -z "$NEXT" ] && { echo "No next URL." 1>&2; break; }

(Leading spaces were replaced with underscores to preserve layout.) The file "cookie-header.txt" needs to contain the contents of the header, including the "Cookie:" prefix, as transmitted by your browser. You can get this by using Wireshark and the "Follow TCP Stream" function, among other methods.

Comment Re:Mobile password entry; acting on user's behalf (Score 1) 365

How would the user get the long password into the mobile device's password manager in the first place?

They would sync their encrypted password database to the mobile device. Alternatively, the password manager could generate the long password itself on the device if that is where the account is being created.

Provided the user has an own PC. Good luck logging in at a public library or Internet cafe.

The fundamental problem with this scenario is that you're proposing to place your trust in a public PC you can't control. At a minimum, that particular login session must be consider potentially compromised no matter what authentication scheme you use. Having said that, there are some options if you're forced into this scenario. An OTP hardware token would be preferred; at least that way an attacker can only hijack the current session, rather than having the means to sign in as you in the future. If you do use a traditional password then it must be considered compromised and should be changed from a secure PC as soon as possible.

And store this "own distinct, revocable API key" in what secure manner? Client applications distributed as free software have already run into problems with how to store an OAuth 1.0a or 2.0 client ID and client secret.

The problem you're referring to relates to application-level keys which are meant to identify the developer of the application rather than the user. The only real solution in such cases is to make your app communicate with one of your own servers, which holds the API keys and performs API access on behalf of the app. Any keys distributed with an app (whether open source or proprietary) must be considered compromised.

In this case the API key is user-specific, not app-specific, so there is no distribution issue. The user logs in and generates an API key, which the application then stores for future use. The API key is the application's password, permitting limited access to the user's account. (For example, it should not be possible for an app to change the account password or generate additional API keys using an API key.)

Comment Re:Maybe I just don't "get it" (Score 1) 259

Now, ostensibly, we have a single browser on which I can do basic wordprocessing and spreadsheet work through google docs, edit websites, play fairly sophisticated games....all through the same browser.

Google Docs is an app whether it's running natively under Android or from inside Chrome. The browser doesn't replace any apps; it's just another platform for apps to run on—one with a lot of historical baggage, overhead, and limitations compared to the native APIs. It's good to provide a mobile-optimized web site rather than requiring visitors to install an app, but a native app will always have the potential for more sophisticated integration, in terms of both functionality and the native look-and-feel of the host operating system.

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