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Comment Re:Suits without merit (Score 3, Insightful) 129

there's fuck all that stops anyone, individual or manufacturer from suing for any, or no, reason.

There exist rules against suits without merit, which can cause the plaintiff to have to pay the defendant's reasonable attorney's fees, sometimes with punitive damages tacked on for wasting the defendant's time. If plaintiff's counsel repeatedly fails to diligently investigate the merit of each case, counsel might end up fined or even disbarred.

Yes, but that does not prevent assholes from bringing worthless lawsuits. It might discourage even marginally circumspect lawyers from doing so, but the burden to challenge the merit of an action, once initiated, rests with the respondent.

Comment Re:They can go bite a donkey (Score 2) 699

They use my bandwidth (without permission) to peddle me ads for things I don't want and they think the courts should force me to look at their ads by removing my choice?

If the content provider chooses to include ads in the stream, you are free to not use that content. The notion that making an http request implies some kind of business arrangement that carries with it certain obligations ("You must look at my ads") is absurd. Content providers are often in it for the money, so we shouldn't begrudge them their attempts at monetizing that content, but creating legislation that forces us to accept that model is, at best, misguided.

Comment Re:Justifying (Score 1) 213

Society has strictly no duty to help those who truly cannot fend for themselves, just like cops have strictly no duty to put their lives on the line to save others. And before you contradict me on this point, have a look there:

You're going to cite a blog post that contains almost no citations of it's own, and those it does provide do not exactly support the assertions made by the blogger.
Really? That's your source?

Comment Re:Under the guise of loophole and law. (Score 2) 289

The Dark Ages is probably hyperbolic...

I'd love to agree with you, but history would beg to differ with both of us. The Dark Ages was caused, in large part, but the rise in political influence of the Roman Catholic Church. The Islamic world's fall from it's lofty position of leadership in arts and sciences was cause in large part by a similar rise in influence amongst Islamic clerics. The same mindless stupidity, driven by fear and ignorance, is playing out in the United States every day. The Gilbert, AZ school board silliness is just the latest one to gain national publicity. The religious idiots on the TX department of education has been pulling the same shit for years. If any large group were to gain any serious political traction the results would be almost to frightening to think about.

Comment Re:LMFTFY (Score 1) 652

You will assume room temperature far before hydrocarbons run out.

[citation needed] ..., and please, don't trot out the the magical a-biogenic nonsense. [quote] The existence of hydrocarbons on Titan, a moon of Saturn, and venting from the deepest oceans points to the probability that hydrocarbons don't have anything more to do with fossils than anything else in the earth's crust.

LOL. Sorry I bothered with the warning. I see you've got something even better than magic. We'll jes commence ta drillin' on Titan. Yeah, that's definitely going to be a commercially successful venture.

Comment Re:Article and Summary are Baseless (Score 2) 112

Retired PM here...
Amen, brother. Comparing survival rates of in-hospital cardiac arrest cases and pre-hospital cardiac arrest cases is an absurd comparison. The are not the same population, at all. Given the mean response time for ALS to reach the arrest patient in the field, a 10% number is impressive. Definitive care is definitive care and the sooner it is delivered, the better the outcome, period. Adding the transport delay the time to definitive care will drive survival rates down. This has been well-established for decades. Sanghavi's conclusions are, to say the least, worthless.

Comment Re:It's more of a statement about NYC (Score 1) 481

Your argument is exactly what they used to say about why apartheid was needed, and also why they justified dictatorial policing - and it was very effective... enforcing a whole lot of laws that actually defined apartheid. In other words, it wasn't the policing that made apartheid evil, it was the notion (codified into law) that people deserved different things because of the color of their skin. We don't have that.

Comment Re:Wouldn't time be better spent... (Score 1) 481

What exactly do you gain by consenting to an illegal request of a power they do not have?

What you gain is the opportunity (because you didn't get shot in the head) to use the system to punish those who've abused their power. If you think that belligerence is the only proper response to such abuses, you've already lost.

Comment You people still don't get it. (Score 1) 67

Regulations, like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, are for little people. This is about corporate profit and we will decide which regulations we will observe and which we will ignore. And if you don't like it, by your own legislators and regulators.

Your Friends at RIAA/MPAA

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