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Comment Great First Step (Score 1) 98

I applaud Congress recognizing that their position and duties are outdated and no longer necessary. This vote passage is an important first step in dissolving Congress and having Corporations rule the World through Treaties that trump all Constitutions of the signatories. It only makes sense that we continue efforts to restrict our Government to 2 Branches -- the Executive which will sign these treaties and wage wars upon citizens at home and abroad and the Judicial to oversee the criminal convictions of Citizens for breaches of these treaties.

Comment Re:also bladerunner (Score 1) 102

Yes, that's why I was thinking -- plus the synthetic animals such as the Owl and Snake they showed. They didn't explore that, but who's to say they weren't networkable and capable of being voice programmed? I find this timely since I was considering how the use of friendly looking robots might become prevalent in shopping malls or other high traffic areas to provide people with information and assistance while also providing surveillance.

Comment Re:And most don't care (Score 1) 94

That's because it doesn't affect most people

It only doesn't effect those that don't give a shit about their rights. Which is most Americans that only care about their ability to buy an SUV and pay rent.

Besides, in relative terms it isn't too bad.

Sure -- enslavement by a cabal of Corporate and Government fascism beats death and imprisonment. But not by much.

The bars might be "invisible" but they are still there.

Comment Re:How could you protect against this? (Score 0, Flamebait) 173

How about securing your freaking server by locking down all ports and running only necessary services with access restrictions to allowed IPs? How about NOT using MySQL which is shit poor as far as security? How about not allowing direct DB over a Port and use an API over HTTPS instead? These are but a few obvious things that can be done to prevent someone from getting access to your DB's Data Files or accessing the DB itself.

Comment Re:Lots of filtering I suspect (Score 0) 184

There are some "how it's made" shows that shouldn't be watched.

Those shows should be watched and shown as part of grade school curriculum. It's important for people to know what they are eating and to know what their alternatives are besides going to buy Factory Farmed Meats at Supermarkets. Even buying a joint of meat at Safeway comes with so much crap that it's not much better than processed.

Until people start caring about the quality of their foods, we will continue on this race to the bottom -- the Average American already eats on par with a pig anyway with all the processed crap made from fillers and byproducts. All that's needed is for Americans to ditch table dining for a troft.

Comment Re:Machine learning? (Score 2) 184

when attempting to understand something pathetic and useless

Actually, I found it rather interesting to consider -- given that African Americans are so fond of shouting oppression. Yet they seem to have flourished here rather well, with plenty of opportunity to advance in society, have many elected officials and business leaders and finally, even a President.

Just because you don't like a statement that may be made inappropriately does not mean it's completely without merit.

Comment Capitalize on JS (Score 1) 271

Javascript is hot right now thanks to Modern Browser capabilities and NodeJS. So if you have knowledge of and are comfortable with jQuery -- here's where to go next:

  • NodeJS -- learn to work with Express, and package your code into reusable/distributable NPMs. As a bonus check out
  • MongoDB -- knowledge of and practical experience with at least one NoSQL DB is a must for todays web developer
  • Bootstrap -- Responsive UIs are a necessity for Web UIs and knowledge of at least one Response CSS Framework is a standard requirement
  • Backbone -- Working knowledge of at least one JS based MVC Framework is also needed , Backbone might be a good place to start given your knowledge of jQuery, ReactJS is another more recent JS framework that can work with jQuery. Angular is also quite popular, but not based on jQuery and takes some doing to integrate jQuery plugins
  • Bower -- not a requirement -- Package/Dependency Manager that works like NPM but for JS/CSS UI dependencies, a good thing to have working knowledge of as you'll most likely use this in any production level JS UI development pipeline
  • Yeoman/Grunt/Slurp -- not a requirement -- CLI Tooling to aid in building/packaging/testing/task running --a feature common to production level JS UI development pipeline
  • Phonegap -- not a requirement, but helpful to be aware of how to take an HTML5/JS UI and turn it into a Native App for iOS and Android

Anyway -- that's the basics of where to go if you'd like to leverage your existing knowledge of jQuery into something marketable. Express for NodeJS is also a good primer for Ruby on Rails as it is a "rails-like" framework with NPMs being similar to Gems

Comment We Need Money -- Give Up Your Privacy (Score 1) 837

Oregon can sign up to drive with devices that collect data on how much they have driven and where.

Surprisingly -- no one is making a stink about the State TRACKING THEIR MOVEMENTS.
I guess people just accept surveillance now -- just let the Gov't track and monitor them like good little inmates should.

This should not be allowed -- you want to increase monies to pay for road work? Instead of tracking everyone's movements, hike up Vehicle Registration fees to offset the loss you perceive from the switch to Hybrid -- or increase the tax you charge for electricity.

Comment Re:Stupid reasoning. (Score 1) 1094

Better than them jacking up prices here to offset the loss they take by dumping their products at a fraction of the price in Asia all in the name of "Globalization". Frankly I'm sick of paying HUNDREDS of times more than what an Indian pays for a fucking Hamburger or seeing people suffer because they can't afford the medication that an Indian can get for PENNIES on the dollar.

Comment Re:Pizza shop worker loves Seattle’s new $15 (Score 0, Flamebait) 1094

Thanks for posting propaganda as "news".

From the website:

Know a young conservative who should be on Red Alert's 2015 '30 Under 30' List? Nominate them by May 29. Read more at

The only way this could be a more blatant "Conservative" Propaganda site is if they named it Hitler Youth Life

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