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Comment Re:Microsoft's business model is legacy support (Score 1) 554

It is not perfect, and it has a lot of downsides, but it is also whey the corporate world and government has embraced MS as the desktop operating system of choice.

To what government are you referring? The U.S. government has made strong moves toward Open Source, and the military barely glances at Windows anymore (with a few notable exceptions).

Many other governments (and I do mean MANY) won't touch Windows at all. They feel (in my opinion rightly): if it ain't Open, it ain't suitable for public agencies.

Comment Re:Story title needs a warning! (Score 1) 274

They might become porn when distributed as such. The purpose and manner in which they are distributed and used affects what they are.

Eh... that's pretty thin. I don't think the relevant court cases agree with you. At least in most states.

In general, courts have ruled that pornography is only pornography because of its content. Even when it's sexually explicit (generally speaking), it's only "obscenity" if it has ZERO social or artistic merit other than pornography.

Granted, child pornography is different in that the only requirement for being "obscene" is anything sexual explicit. It doesn't matter if it's "artistic".

Even so, that's why taking a picture of your kid in the bathtub is not "child pornography". There's nothing sexual about it.

I am pretty sure that in most states, now matter how it was marketed, even if there was cover art of porn stars, an innocent video clip of a kid splashing around in the tub would not be ruled child pornography. There are standards and there are reasons for them. It's not just someone's arbitrary opinion, and it doesn't matter what label is slapped on it. Probably the worst it would get is a charge for fraud because it wasn't pornography after all.

Comment Re:LOCK HER UP! (Score 2) 274

But please, for the sake of all the other victims of this law, don't treat her special because she's female, pretty, rich, and famous.

THAT part I agree with, but "she needs to go to jail", I do not. Necessarily. OP was vague on the details.

But I think a lot of what was exposed in OP's article is that these are teenagers being prosecuted for doing your average dumb teenage things. Hell... in a lot of states it is legal to actually have sex for 2 or more years before you're even legally allowed to give someone a nude picture of yourself. And I think that says there's something seriously wrong with the "sexting" laws.

Comment Online dating (Score 2, Insightful) 482

You're doing it wrong.

Not wrong as in "that's wrong to do", but wrong as in "you'll do better with people you interact with in the real world."

If, of course, you can put the cellphone/iPad/keyboard down for enough minutes to interact with the people around you.

Online profiles are far more "crafted" than real-world interactions, and real-world interactions provide far more clues when someone is gaming you.

Comment Re:losing your rights (Score 2) 274

Didn't you read my comment that started this thread? Your individual rights are stolen from you by the government that has no authority to take those rights away from you but it still does, so it is not the parents that are required to provide permission or consent, it is the government that took away the power to dictate / set the standard for what the kids are allowed / not allowed to do.

Comment Re:Hardware isn't Progressing (Score 5, Insightful) 554

Normally I'm not in the habit of praising Microsoft. However, the fact that they have been able to expand the capabilities of their OS as much as they have from where Vista was and still hold the line of system requirements is commendable. It certainly doesn't help drive new PC sales, but it's an impressive credit to their development teams.

If you think about it, it's actually the inevitable consequence of trying (successfully) to shoehorn Windows onto ARM tablets and phones. Now that both the kernel and the huge chunk of userspace are identical on all three, this means it had to be optimized a lot for both perf and size. But while those optimizations were a necessity for tablets and especially phones, the desktop also benefits, and the "freeze" of the minimum specs is the user-visible consequence.

(in practice, Win7 actually ran better than Vista on those minimal specs, and Win8.1 runs better still - again, a direct consequence of moving further towards the "one OS" goal)

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