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Comment Re:What are the practical results of this? (Score 4, Insightful) 430

If only I had mod points...

The closest any third party has come to a presidential election was Ross Perot, in 1993. He had a very well-oiled hype machine and a shitload of money, which is why he got as far as he did. Even after he began stumbling and his campaign imploded (hard), he still got 13% of the vote... pretty impressive by most standards of the modern era.

On lower levels, Bernie Sanders (nominally a member of the Socialist party, but caucuses with the Democrats 99% of the time) is the only national candidate period to have made a national office since what, the 1950's?

It's going to take a radical change in attitudes, a really rotten national situation overall, and an even more radical amount of disgust with the current system before folks wander off to vote for a third party. Even when some ideological icon does run on his own (e.g. Ralph Nader), you will see the immediate (and dishearteningly effective) rallying cry of the threatened major party (in Nader's case, the Democrat party immediately started screaming "OMG you'll split the vote and then they will win!")

It'll take a lot to get a third party off the ground. Not impossible, but it'll take a lot to happen nonetheless.

Comment Re:Still not good enough. (Score 3, Insightful) 430

Ask these questions:

How much competition is allowed for providing Internet access in any given US locale?

Why can we not have municipalities plant/string and own the local fiber/cable/POTS lines, then rent them out to competing ISPs for residential access purposes (see also Utah's UTOPIA initiative)?

Find the answers to those questions, and you'll find the root cause of the non-logistics problems that broadband faces in the US.

Comment Re: You probably have one, though... (Score 1) 307

Agreed - parts of downtown Portland were a huge clusterfsck for months after the first protests.

It started with somewhat of a goal - a protest against "the rich", and against a laundry list of financial predations against the masses. Then, it quickly devolved into one massive slack-fest/camp-out, with the last holdouts finally leaving months later.

Comment Re:copper lines going away like analog TV (Score 1) 94

Still can't get broadband other than via the cell phone. And that's expensive. Even the "unlimited" plans only come with a few Gb of 4G, then it drops to Edge.

It's still a raping, but satellite Internet is miles cheaper overall than cell, and there's some actual competition for it other than Hughes.

Comment Re:Cam-tastic (Score 4, Informative) 152

One state at a time. Once all states (or at least a majority) have it legal, then the feds will have to either re-evaluate, or double-down on their stance. Considering that the foundation for the relevant laws are tenuous at best, they'll become pretty much useless anyway.

(I live in Oregon... come July, it'll be perfectly legal here. It's already legal for all uses just over the river in Washington. I don't partake, and haven't for 23 years; OTOH, my wife has a medical license, and it works far better for her than the Oxycodone did. After seeing the improvements it's made in her life, well, the DEA can go fuck itself.)

Comment Re:Open Auto (Score 1) 128

Consider that Local Motors most likely found and are exploiting loopholes (e.g. hobbyist car-building from scratch, which is still quite active.) Consider further that they wouldn't have attracted a dime of venture funding without at least some plan to exploit existing legal loopholes.

So - you made the assertion, you get to prove it by naming at least one existing rule or law that could be used to slap them down.

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