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Comment 3d scanners + 3d printers will wreak havoc (Score 1) 144

Just wait until you can trade 3d designs of Warhammer 40k armies and print them out assembled for a lower cost than buying them in stores. Having the ability to print D&D & pathfinder miniatures for pennies worth of plastic instead of $4-$30 retail cost will be nice. Reaper Bones may not have as long a lifespan as their lead and pewter predecessors.

Comment Pro Tip: (Score 1, Flamebait) 24

When performing maintenance on Sundays, don't turn off passwords for your entire userbase, DROPBOX.

Bonus tip:
Hiring Condoleeza Rice told me everything I need to know about you jackasses. If I want to use cloud storage, every other vendor in the world doesn't employ war criminals. So it's easy to choose a vendor who doesn't upset my conscious.


Comment Please Let the Caliphate Flourish! (Score 1) 981

A stunning tribute to the arabs who came before ISIS, who invented things like the number ZERO, would be for the US and other nations to allow ISIS to "prosper" for the next several years. We could then turn our military budgets into school budgets to increase our own kids' knowledge in math and the sciences. Let facts be our guide.

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