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Comment Re:I agree with Lennart (Score 2) 551

None of that speaks to why systemd needs to suck in everything under the sun that has a server mode (like the gimp and open office examples above).

It doesn't.
That a particular distro/package maintainer utilizes their distro's init-system and service manager for launching a daemon is hardly a problem or even controversial.

And just because something's launched often doesn't mean it has to be sucked into systemd. Angry Birds is launched on Linux more often than most stuff the systemd guys play with -- but that doesn't mean all games need insane dependancies on an init system.

It seems to me that have some problems with understanding what an init-system does. SysVinit/systemd/SMF deals with starting daemons and similar processes, not end user programs like games. Of course, if a game has a server mode what uses sockets and what not, then it probably is convenient to use a proper init-system.

Your container example seems to be taking the wrong approach too.

Lightweight containers like Docker seem to suggest it's best to run a single service within a container --- so the last thing such a system needs an init system -- let alone the most bloated init system in the world. A it turns out, it's quite a pain in the neck to run systemd in a docker container.

There are many different OS container modes, from running single services, to full blown servers. Each mode has it advantages and disadvantages. That flexibility is exactly what makes OS containers interesting.

Unlike other OS container implementations, systemd also support running unmodified Linux distros as containers. That means that I can boot a standard Debian distro on top of my Fedora distro, or running a newer unstable version of my distro on top. It takes seconds or minutes (depending on net speed) to launch such a container. A great way to test and debug new stuff without bothering with a full VM.
The "machine concept" that allows maintaining OS containers from the "outside" is also way cool.

All in all, systemd is on its way to become the best OS container manager the world have ever seen, and that is great news for Linux.

Comment Re:Just keep it away from Gentoo and I'm good (Score 0) 551

So you like having useless software always running on your machines, that you cannot get rid of, or absolutely turn off? It also still violates do one thing and do it well because it tries to do many things, and seems to do them poorly.

"journald" isn't useless, even if you don't use binary logging, but forward everything directly to syslog.
"journald" works as a syslog helper that enhances syslog by collating all logfiles into a single file (instead of around +5 logfiles, some of them binary like "utmp"), and by collecting logging info from early boot, since journald can log from before even the root file system is mounted. When kdbus is mainlined, it will be able to collect "metal-to-metal" logging info, that means before rootfs is mounted, and after it is dismounted. Try that with syslog.

It also provide per-damon rate limiting and notification when syslog drops messages (syslog silently drops messages).

All in all, it would be stupid to turn of journald, even if forced to rely on flat file text logs.

Comment Re:Fork it all (Score 1) 551

Here, I think there's some mendacity as well on the part of Red Hat. Systemd absorbed several RedHat-run open source projects that should be stand alone (D-Bus and udev, for example) and not require a dependency on systemd. That's classic Microsoft-style "embrace and extend" behavior.

There is exactly one project that joined systemd, and that was the basically one-man project "udev". The udev inventor is also the co-inventor of systemd, and that project started way before Red Hat had even started to say "no" to using systemd (they later said "yes"; read the interview). So it is demonstrably wrong to claim that RH could have forced Kay Sievers/udev into the systemd project.

Dbus isn't a single project, but a standard just like tcp/ip with several different implementations. systemd makes heavy use of dbus, and even have some dbus helper libs, but the point is that systemd works with the "standard" dbus specification, regardless of implementation. That is the whole point of using a standard.

All the talk about RH/systemd "subsuming" other projects are simply plain wrong.

Comment Re:Just keep it away from Gentoo and I'm good (Score 1) 551

System is broken by design and totally violates the UNIX philosophy

Systemd isn't broken by design, it is in fact a brilliantly designed init-system which is why all major Linux distros are converting to it.

"UNIX philosophy" seems to be a codeword for "I have no real technical arguments against systemd".

But tell me this, if the most popular certified UNIX platforms are using init systems very similar to systemd, like SMF and launchd, aren't you really claiming that certified UNIX'es aren't UNIX?

Even non-certified UNIX clones like FreeBSD are talking about the necessity of having a init-system just like systemd/SMF/launchd. It is only a matter of time before all *BSD's have a modern init-system, and of course, they will clone every systemd feature possible.

Comment Re:Just keep it away from Gentoo and I'm good (Score 1) 551

Systemd does startup, it does logging, it does ntpd, it manages processes.. What do you think it does that is just one thing?

The point is that this is all done by different daemons and tools. So each systemd tool basically just do one thing. It is documented in the man pages if your are interested in facts.

Oh and by the way, systemd doesn't do "ntpd". Claiming that is a sure sign that you haven't studied the systemd documentation. systemd comes with an optional sNTP client that is meant for use in OS containers, which have special timekeeping needs because of timedrift between host and container when sleeping etc.

Comment Re:The very first thing out of his mouth (Score 1) 551

The only real fault I could give it is that in my experience, if you're so tightly wired into external things that you become an essential part of them, that's probably not the optimal system design.

That really isn't the case with systemd; it basically depends on glibc and util-linux for "mount" etc. just like most other init-systems, but everything else is optional.

That upstream projects actually make use of systemd features like systemd-logind can hardly be a problem either; all the non-systemd platforms are free to provide their own similar services that upstream projects can use, so there are no problems there either.

I DO have a lot against the binary logging for very good reasons. I've worked with a lot of products that did their logging in proprietary binary formats over the years, and even when the internal data formats are well-published, the mere fact that intermediary services are required to access and format them has made their respective products harder to work with.

Some facts first; systemd's journal isn't proprietary. It is a well documented standard with a stable API and language bindings:
There are several independent journal readers already. I can't think of any non-contrived user case where it is a problem that the logs are binary.

In fact, I can't think of any non-contrived user case where old style flat text file logging is better than systemd's journal; it scales better in every direction and allows for powerful filtering in a much better way than using humongous regex lines, is much more secure, allows for a single collated system log and much better debugging, etc. etc.
Not forgetting that it is now possible to have reliable, robust logwatch scripts and even make a log viewing GUI that isn't just a glorifed "less" with windows decorations.

Just like you I have been bitten by (proprietary) binary log files (and much worse; binary config files). And just like you I was really, really skeptical about systemd's binary log format. But the more I used it, and the more documentation I read, the more I became really glad about it: systemd's journal just solves so many problems I have had over the years with syslog files. It is a really well thought out and well designed logging system.

Comment Re:I agree with Lennart (Score 1) 551

I don't understand why 90% of the crap systemd's trying to suck in (like networking). Yet the systemd guys continue to glom everything in there.

If you don't understand it, it is probably because you don't use OS containers. Almost all new features and development on systemd the last couple of years have been OS container related; the sNTP client, networking, dhcp etc., are all meant for massive scale OS container deployment, and for the special need for OS container regarding keeping time (their environment can start-stop/freeze without notice, so time drift between host and container is a problem).

Google launches 2 billion OS containers a week, that is 3300 OS containers every second. The speed of "booting" a single OS container is therefore crucial for such massive deployments.

In fact, OS containers are rapidly becoming a central part of all new Linux deployment, and systemd is a central part of that.

Comment Re:The very first thing out of his mouth (Score 1) 551

I tend to grit my teeth when people say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" about IT. IT tends to erode from the outside in, if no other way.

On the other hand, if you do "fix it", don't break things that people like and rely on.

So nothing on Linux must ever change, because there is always some reactionary, lazy admin somewhere who can't be bothered to learn something new and change his work-flow.

I have seen so many examples of such "IT-fossilization" during the last three decades. Some people scream and moan about how "new way" is bad and "old way" is much better. The end result is always the same; they get ejected out of the IT business when their old and obsolete skills are no longer needed.

If you work in tech, you just better have to learn to adapt to new and better technology like systemd. The first step in this is to be factually informed about how the new technology works.

And don't have the hubris to tell people that they're wrong/misguided/old-fashioned when they complain. That's the sin that both gnome3 and systemd committed.

Don't tell me you rely on hearsay from some swivel eyed systemd-hater to know the technical facts about Gnome and systemd?

It is a plain view fact that Gnome 3 runs on non-systemd platforms like BSD. So where is the problem?
Is the problem that Gnome developers for years have pleaded for someone to step up and actually maintain crucial infrastructure needed by Gnome in order to work on non-systemd systems?

Comment Re:Just keep it away from Gentoo and I'm good (Score 1) 551

look, either journald is part of systemd or it isn't. If it is, then systemd does multiple things, and should be broken up into more parts. If it isn't, then your argument is nonsense.

If you want "metal-to-metal" logging and collating all logging info into a single file, and remain 100% compatible with syslog, you have no other choice than to design a logging system like systemd's "journald". It can't be split off because of how the Linux kernel is designed and handles /dev/log.

journald can start logging before even the root filesystem is mounted because systemd becomes active already in initramfs and then jumps to the rootfs when it is mounted.

It is a really good solution to a hard to solve problem.

If the cartoonish interpretation of "Unix philosophy" and "modularity" had any real substance, serious people would have forked systemd and split it into "modules". (The core of systemd is; systemd (daemon), udev, and journald; everything is optional). But they don't. The reason is simply that systemd have really, really good technical reasons for being designed like it is.

Comment Re: Their comments on trolls/trolling (Score 1) 184

The rest is fully achievable using ConsoleKit2. You realize you don't understand it, which is good ;-)

Link please. AFAIK, it isn't possible to run Xorg as non-root in a safe manner using either CK or ConsoleKit2.

And BTW, the difficulty in running xorg as non-root in a safe manner is caused by the way the Linux kernel handles devices, not Xorg. That is why you need user session management from systemd-logind in order to secure that attached devices can't be abused to compromise security.

Comment Re:Forked the Debian? or the Debian? (Score 1) 184

I had the impression your post had an agenda, and then I read, at the end, you confirmed it:

When FreeBSD changes to a modern init-system (they will probably clone systemd)

Sure, my agenda is to show that supporting multiple init systems is very difficult.

That FreeBSD (and other BSD's) will change to a systemd-like init system is a given thing too. Even the founder of FreeBSD has publicly said it is in the future for FreeBSD.

The fact is that the way people uses computers have changed dramatically the last decade; virtualization, OS containers, instantiated services, mobile devices etc. SysVinit and similar legacy style script based init systems simply aren't up to working with all this.

So when FreebSD change their init system (and they will), they won't support a free choice between the new init system and old legacy script based init systems either.

Comment Re:Forked the Debian? or the Debian? (Score 1) 184

If it isn't a bug, why patch it?

And this is a clear systemd bias (and GNOME attitude).

If systemd says it is not a bug, then it is not. And if something doesn't work - well, somebody opened a ticket about something NOT working - then something does NOT work. And if the systemd refused to fix it - who's going to?

Not every bug filed is an actual bug, even though the submitter feels it is. Saying no to bad patches and closing non-bugs with a "not-a-bug" is the daily grind of developers and package maintainers.

The "Heartbleed" bug is a prime example on how bad things can go when you accept patches that circumvent security measures in order to support obscure user cases.

Really, systemd developers accept a huge amount of patches from hundreds of different non-systemd developers each year, suggesting that they won't accept patches is simply contrary to reality. I have yet to see a reasonable patch being rejected on the systemd-mailing list.

The whole position of systemd implementors in Debian was and probably still is: we change how the whole system works, but we are totally not responsible if something breaks, because it is, duh, mainline systemd.

I really don't see the Debian systemd maintainers that way at all. They seem to be hard working and serious to me. I have yet to see a example of them accepting breakage because mainline systemd. As I said, there are Debian developers with commit access to the systemd git tree, so they obviously have a lot of influence on systemd as a upstream project.

Tollef Fog Heen was pretty clear that he is not going to do anything special for Debian. (He is (or was at the time) a Fedora user already anyway.)

I have seen no examples or evidence of this. Really, what specific non-trivial patches could Debian need that couldn't go into mainline systemd? Can't think of any, nor have I ever seen it on the mailing list.


If you can't tell what the hell the trivial commit does, then you are obviously not a software developer.

It is trivial, but it is Debian distro specific and in upstream systemd. There are a lot more examples in the git tree, and also of Debian influence in the general design of systemd. You assertion that systemd developers doesn't care or won't accommodate the Debian distro is therefore unfounded.

That systemd actually accepts trivial distro specific patches, shows that they are accommodating their users. Since it is trivial, it could have been carried by the distro maintainer.

That was a great PR move on part of the systemd developers: to flood the mail lists with the buzz words. Users have no idea what they mean - but they sure sound cool - so systemd must be cool too.

Really, trying to pass off systemd as a "fad" that Debian accepted because of "buzzwords" on a mailing list is outright pathetic; systemd is real improvement over SysVinit in every aspect, and the Debian CTTE choose it because of its technical merit. That the Debian developers agree with this, was demonstrated at the latest Debian GR.

Comment Re:Wait a minute... (Score 1, Interesting) 184

Thanks Peter! you are so kind!

Hey wait a minute! the scammers are also on slashdot!!

quick quick, close your wallet!

Well, I am right ain't I. You funnel the donated Devuan money into dyne org, and as CEO/Chairman of that small org with self elected people, with no public oversight of the money, you also pull money out of dyne org into your own pocket to "pay for taxes". Dress it all up as a non-profit org too.

Make Devuan a proper org that directly receive the donated money you are begging for all the time, and have a proper elected committee with public oversight over the donated money and what they are spend on, and then maybe the smell of scam will evaporate.

Comment Re:Forked the Debian? or the Debian? (Score 2, Insightful) 184

I was just quoting the (ex-)maintainer of the systemd, from his e-mails from the CTTE discussion.

Without source or citation. I think your representation of what was said is rather biased.

Debian feedback would be submitted to mainline - but if it is rejected, he wouldn't even carry a custom Debian patch for it, because he doesn't want to deviate from the mainline. And he, as the maintainer of the systemd, would not consider it a bug. As such somebody else would have to fix somewhere else.

If it isn't a bug, why patch it? Sure, some people have tried to drop some turd patches into systemd, eg. ripping out security features in order to support some obscure glibc variant. The right thing of course is to patch the glibc variant to support the proper security functions, not patching systemd.

No package maintainer wants to support non-trivial, non-mainline patches without very good reasons. The whole point of open source software, that as many people as possible can share and enjoy improvements, so patches should go upstream as fast as possible. Maintaining non-trivial, non-upstream patches can also be a real problem when backporting security fixes, and may introduce patch specific bugs too.

If you are willing to grep through the 1K emails - you would definitely find that being repeated several time.

I have actually read most of them at the time, and I still think you are misrepresenting the systemd maintainers.

Here is a Debian specific patch that predates Debians adoption of systemd as default init-system:

It's obviously not Debian specific.

It is very obviously a distro specific part of systemd: Debian was added to the list where Fedora and Arch were already present.

Huh? The main point is that systemd mainline accepts Debian (and distro) specific patches if it is unavoidable. Despite the many claims to the contrary, the systemd developers do care about feedback and have many different distro developers with commit access. If you got a good user case, chances are good that a distro specific patch will be accepted. And having the patch going into the upstream repo is much better than carrying it as a separate distro patch.

In short, Debian developers where taking part in creating systemd long before Debian discussed making systemd the default init system. So they knew what they where doing when selecting systemd over Upstart (the CLA was enough to discount it), and the latest GR have confirmed that the vast majority of Debian developers firmly backs systemd as the default init-system.

Comment Re:Forked the Debian? or the Debian? (Score 1) 184

.... The systemd devs and maintainers committed to literally to nothing, basically saying "if it is good for Fedora is should do the job for Debian too; no Debian specific patches are going to be accepted even into the Debian systemd package".

That is simply wrong. Please notice that several long time systemd developers with commit access to the systemd git tree, are in fact Debian Developers. So there is a lot of "Debianism's" in where files placed etc.

Sure, the main branch of systemd wants to have as few distro specific patches as possible, but they do accept them if there is no other solution.

Here is a Debian specific patch that predates Debians adoption of systemd as default init-system:

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