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Comment Re:Provide support for the cultural sector (Score 1) 237

Well, art is different from many goods in that no one knows if anyone will want it until it's created. It's a high-risk high-failure business model.

The lack of certainty about demand isn't limited to art. *cough* Zune *cough*. Or the reverse case, IBM estimating that their Entry Systems Department (PCs) if they were lucky might sell up to 100,000 units.

Comment Re:Quebec: The Welfare Province (Score 1) 237

The "video game industry" in quebec is a joke. All the software stays under the control of the head offices - they only reason those drawing jobs are here is the 40% tax credit, not just for those jobs, but everyone supervising them as well. The highest government subsidies in the free world, and when the subsidies are gone, so are the jobs.

Comment Re: There is no such thing as equal work (Score 1) 349

Or do like we have hear, where leave is paid for out of a fund that all taxpayers contribute to, so nobody is penalized for taking it, and the employer doesn't pay it.

You don't have to look to Europe - just look north of the New York border.

Also, I think most people would say that life and health is more important than money, and the US fails on that basis. Even the ACA is nowhere near as good as universal healthcare. Compare life expectancy. I'll stay in Kanuckistan, thanks :-)

Comment Re:There is no such thing as equal work (Score 1) 349

We solved that here by having a specific payroll tax that is deducted to pay for maternity and paternity benefits. This covers a maximum of 50 weeks, and can be split between the parents as they wish. It also applies to same-sex couples and adopted children of all couples. And couples who aren't married. And single parents.

Considering that most couples in long-term relationships here no longer choose to get married, it's the only fair approach that doesn't discriminate against people based on their civil status. And employers can't ask about your civil status or children until after they've extended a job offer, again to prevent hiring discrimination.

After the leave expires, there's daycare available on a sliding revenue scale. $7.30 a day for families making less than $50,000, $8.00 a day for those making less than $100,000, and a maximum of $20.00 a day for those making $150,000 or more.

This addresses most of the situations you've brought up.

Comment Re:This test is impossible and pointless. (Score 1) 522

I've kept this tab open so that I can better answer you.

I don't miss much, if anything wrt male privilege. That could be just me, though - it's more comfortable to be who you are than to pretend to be something you really don't identify with all that much. Since I'm no longer programming (health issues), I don't miss all the - for want of a better word - bs that comes with it and takes all the enjoyment out of the creative process. Besides, I can get my Recommended Daily Allotment of bs right here on slashdot by reading at -1 :-)

I know that my perspective has certainly changed - probably because I can permit myself to feel and act differently now. The rigid pretense of maintaining the fiction is gone, and ultimately that's a huge relief.

After I transitioned, for a long time I still carried much of the previous mind-set. For example, for years I kept trying to "tough it out" when dealing with PTSD and depression. That was a really stupid mistake, and it's a relief to not to try to live up to that "I can handle this by myself" habit, because there are things I just can't fix by myself and I can now admit it more easily. Good thing too, because this last depression ended up lasting 6 months, and only started to abate a couple of weeks ago.

My goals have had to change because of my health problems. Programming had allowed me to express my curiosity and creativity, and giving it up was not easy. Still, life remains an adventure, with plenty of opportunities to learn something new, either about the world or about myself, and to do things I hadn't had a real change to do before because I was "too busy."

One example is a story I had been intending to write for ages. I gave the opening for it here, with names removed. I'll eventually change the real names of others to pseudonyms, for obvious reasons. Mine? No, I have no secrets, at least none that are better off shared so they can possibly help others, if only to access a different perspective.

My life isn't typical, even for someone who is trans, so the usual warning about YMMV applies double here.

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