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Comment Re:I use Uber over public transit (Score 2) 237

For $3 more I get dropped off in front of my office, they pick me up on my schedule, I get a real seat belt, appropriate heating/A/C, listen to NPR, nobody asking for money or sitting next to someone not having showered for a week etc etc.

Oh yes, God forbid you little princesses should ever see the masses up close

Just remember what happened to Marie-Antoinette.

Comment W3C does geolocation? (Score 2) 100

I didn't even know W3C did geolocation (like Maxmind). Is there any chance you're talking about a page that uses the W3C geolocation API? That is, you're talking about what result some Javascript gets when it asks your web browser "where am I?"

If I'm not mistaken and that's what you're talking about, then look up how your browser gets its location.

If I'm mistaken and W3C actually has a ip-to-geo thing, oops, never mind. No idea what you're going to do about their database being wrong.

Comment VPN to VPS (Score 2) 405

I would get a VPS somewhere (e.g. linode) and install OpenVPN on it. Then VPN between there and your local machine, set up your incoming and outgoing connections to route through there, and update your DNS to point to the VPS. Net effect: you're still on Comcast, but the world sees you as being in some datacenter.

Comment Re:Amazing. Just plain amazing. (Score 1) 132

I'm with you, dude. I didn't really think much about this one, until I saw that first image you link to. That is when it hit me: I have never in my life seen anything like this before, ever. I have seen things "as cool" (V'ger, Galileo, Cassini) but nevertheless, they weren't this.

Comment Re:This Primise Is Already False (Score 1) 98

That correction would not seem to be in your interest. Wouldn't a more valuable car cost more to insure?

More mileage (per unit time) == more risk. And conversely, less mileage (per unit of time) == less risk.

If you drive your car less than 12000 miles per year, then seriously, talk to your insurance agent about a discount.

Comment Re:Hybrids (Score 1) 377

Thinking that farmers from Ghana will not be able to make a rational decision between buying industrial seed every year or saving whatever strain they have already from year to year is a not so subtle form of racism.

Or maybe what is or isn't rational varies based on local conditions. Capital availability is a concern. Distribution infrastructure (and differences in cost based on same) is a concern.

Ghana is one of the best-governed countries in its region, but even so, there's still an infrastructure gap -- a decade ago (which is as recent as I had knowledge) you had daily rolling blackouts even in the capitol as a matter of course; electrical generation capacity wasn't growing with demand.

Accusing those who disagree with you of assuming anything other than rational behavior in light of full knowledge of local conditions strikes me as starkly unreasonable.

Comment Re:Or just practicing for an actual job (Score 2) 320

Sorry kids, Library use is copying. Copying is not a bad thing, you save a lot of time by doing it.

Shared libraries or static libraries?

Static library use involves copying at the link phase. Shared library use doesn't. Depending on your license, the distinction can be legally significant.

And, well, that's the thing. Those of us who are professionals think about liability... which is why we can actually find a large company willing to buy our startups without doing an absolute freakout (or requesting a huge discount for cost of reimplementations) analyzing the codebase during due diligence.

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