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Comment Horrible Analogies (Score 1) 388

It's hard to think of analogies which reflect the danger, the reputational damage and the material gain of this kind of betrayal. Murder doesn't have the element of reputational damage and material gain.

I mean, you signed a contract with the U.S., you were vetted, they did background checks, you had history together and built a battleship together, then you sold the schematics of that battleship.

If we're using human analogies, this is like selling the diary, identity information and naked photos of your overaccomplished olympian niece... and providing some genetic material to clone her.

There's no way to entrap somebody with that kind of betrayal. Regardless of money, they should actively protect and defend her from this kind of abuse. Out of a sense of decency and loyalty, protecting it even with their own life.

But really, analogies suck.

Comment Re:Journalism Mantra: "If it bleeds, it leads" (Score 1) 409

Mostly agreed, but for some exceptions.... sports and finance are reported with obsessive detail, completeness and accuracy, sometimes when the story is good, sometimes when the story is bad. It's not quite limited to simple facts either, but packed with speculation and editorialization, predictions and rebuttals. Compare the coverage of sports and finance with the weather and traffic. You don't have a circle of pundits discussing the forecast, but they will discuss the sports score or the movement of AAPL.

Outside of those topics, it seems to be that people want to hear about failure and disaster. Even when reading about celebrities.

Comment Re:FUCK SAKE! It was NEVER anonymous (Score 1) 115

Not sure what the point is. The article is about money laundering, and describes how it's easier to launder digital currencies and how they're controversial because of this.

Bitcoin is at best pseudonymous, each wallet is a pseudonym with a very carefully documented and very public ledger. When the bitcoins are converted to or from hard currency, a trail of that transaction is likely recorded.

Comment Re:SSL? (Score 1) 92

That's an excellent article, thanks.

The fix would require specific changes to the implementation and "...there's a high risk that this would also cause compatibility problems." IMHO, it would be highly misleading to call it an implementation problem that an unforseen encryption weakness could be mitigated with changes to the implementation.

I offer the above to be XKCD1318 compliant.

Comment Re:SSL? (Score 1) 92

POODLE is not an implementation problem. It's a protocol problem.

"There is currently no fix for the vulnerability SSL 3.0 itself, as the issue is fundamental to the protocol"

It's an implementation problem if you're speaking abstractly about the application of crypto. But we're talking about "SSL", a protocol.

Comment SSL? (Score 2) 92

"Chapter 4 is particularly interesting in that the author notes that while the cryptography behind SSL and PKI is fundamentally secure,"

Post-POODLE, SSL has been shown fundamentally insecure.

TLS is fine as far as we know.

Comment Re:Bullshit Stats. (Score 1) 496

Went to a Python developers meetup. There were 2 women in a room of 100 people.

Went to an infosec meetup. There were 5% women in a room of 200 people.

Went to a Wordpress developers conference, there were 50% women in attendance of hundreds of people.

They're all tech jobs. Why are women choosing paths that earn less?

Comment Re:Here we go again (Score 4, Insightful) 496

"I wonder what the conclusion of such an article would be?"

That this isn't a site for sociologists or experts in race or gender studies.

If we talked to sociolgists, race or gender study experts, they'd probably have a non-sensationalist, well researched and well reasoned approach to discussing sensitive issues. And they probably wouldn't be happy if people jumped on their communtiy forums and started talking about SATA drivers.

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