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Comment Re: Oh dear - money grows on trees... (Score 1) 517

exactly, because market competition 99 times outta 100 increases efficiencies, and all that energy chasing capital, in the end, keeps your monthly bills down.

where are those incentives when government takes over? that a bunch of nameless faceless bureaucrats who have no skin in the game are concerned about costs?

how does that work?


Comment Re:the new (Score 1) 224

good question.

what I was trying to abstract is the instant "rush-to-judgement-and-sentence" mentality that I see creeping into all nooks and crannies of society where people just react to something on a screen in an instant, pass judgement and move on.

in both the ray rice and this case, you have a group or individual in power to affect someone else's life looking at something on a screen, instantly finding it distasteful, and relegating the person to a professional junkyard and a life of struggle without really ANY facts about the situation, the history, etc etc.

there is a very valid reason why jurisprudence does not adopt this model...ill leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out why.

this is really disturbing to me because it reeks of a form of totally societal control that may someday lead to everyone having to be robots in order to *never* do anything that is recorded (which is quickly becoming everything we do) that may offend someone who controls levers of power.

Comment the new (Score 3, Interesting) 224

yeah...i feel for this guy. i can relate.

in this day and age, pretty much anything you do that could potentially show that you are not a good little robot that sits up and says "more, please" when corporations and law enforcement slap you around goes on your record and eliminates you from enjoying that sort of upper middle-class life. how wonderful for the law-n-order types...no so much for independant souls.

it's happening all around us in real time...the Goodell story, Ray Rice...hashtag mobs become judge and jury for a few days and completely destroy lives.

  now I get it...in this case it's different but corporate HR departments are just hashtag mobs of 1.

Comment memory management circa 2014 (Score 1) 637

go out and buy another gig or two of ram for a few bucks.

seriously...its hard enough to find professionals to build software without getting bogged down with mallocs and leaks for god's sake.

when java first hit in the 90's, prettty much the #1 feature was its automated garbage collection...why now are we debating this now?

oh...i know why...its same group of old folks who live in the past and think anything not invented or produced 20 years ago is shit.

Comment buy used (Score 1) 291

these type of comments are beginning to mystify me.

used, powerful android phones on swappa.com, ebay, or even you local pawn shop are plentiful.

in fact, i just bought a google nexus (verizon) for $80 at a local pawn shop...the same store was selling a almost new galaxy note 3 for $200...which i plan today to go buy and resell on swappa for a tidy profit.

life is too damn short to fuck around with a worthless handset.

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