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Comment Re:Not the algorithm we need (Score 1) 183

since it's slashdot, here is a very sensible algorithm for dating...

take a hard honest look at yourself and all your pluses and minus, and rank yourself 1 to 10. its important to be realistic...

now, give yourself a range of +1.5 to -1.5 and only go after others who fall in that range.

so for example, if your a 7, your range should be 5.5 to 8.5...

it really isn't the dumbest thing ever.

Comment Re:"The Newsroom" summarizes the problem ... (Score 3, Insightful) 181

the "news" has *always* had a underlying political propaganda element to it...why do you think it was such huge business back in the day, with Hurst and other moguls battling for ownership and control?

it was NEVER what you claim it was.

it's just naive to think's human nature to attempt to manipulate the attitudes and actions of was discovered a long time ago that mass media (first newspapers and then radio/tv) could *easily* basically control entire nations, be it war-drumming or affecting large social changes.

Comment Re:Let me guess (Score 3, Insightful) 60

peanuts my dear man...and so unfashionably retro btw. the 80's??? please...

haven't you heard? a month ago JC Morgan Chase admitted to the wholesale rape of its customers during the mortgage rip-off of the 00's.

total confession...felonious activities by perhaps thousands of its employees, ripping-off people of untold billions. knowingly and ADMITTEDLY!

the result of this coordinated criminal actively that makes what organized crime does look like a church bingo game?

a $13 billion settlement where all the felons involved get to stay in their jobs and continue their lifestyles, without nary a blemish on any of their "permanent" records.

it's disgusting to me that these people are allowed to simply pay-off the government, USING OTHER PEOPLE'S (the shareholders of JP Morgan Chase) MONEY, and get to continue their high-flying lifestyles while other "criminals", who perhaps get caught with user-quantity level of recreational drugs, get charged as felons and watch their lives become utterly ruined.

this guy is another example of our "justice" system that allows wealthy people to purchase there way out of legal's all corrupt as hell.

Comment Re:Can we get a summary of that excerpt, please? (Score 1) 138

"but I'm starting to think programs like No Child Left Behind may have de-emphasized that in exchange for teaching kids how to pass more and more standardized tests that focus on bare essentials"

so your positing that holding teachers and children to a fairly standardized level of math and reading comprehension by forcing them to prove they have the very skills that society needs them to have is somehow bad for an educational system??

that is just so asinine..."teaching for the test"?? jesus almost every minute of every hour of school SHOULD be "teaching for a test"! otherwise, what is everyone doing there??

  and how do we prove to the parents, like me, that the teachers, admins, and schools are doing their jobs if we don't somehow have a global measuring stick to 1. identify those kids most as risk and 2. reward and learn from those teachers who are excelling at their jobs??

now if teachers are found gaming the system by basically giving students answers and drilling those into our kids heads, that should be a criminal-level offense and the test makers and district people should work constantly on ferreting out those scumbags and kicking them out of my kids classrooms.

Comment Re:In other news, the Dutch warn about tulip mania (Score 5, Informative) 121

yes, they do...i'm getting tired of this incorrect meme.

the dollar is backed by "the full faith and credit of the united states government"...yes that means the ability to seize bank accounts and the use of the threat of prison and even guns/bodily harm to get their money to pay its debts.

it's ludicrous to think bicoin has the same feature.

Comment Re:Short answer: no (Score 1) 400

that's ridiculous.

a union to that struct can pull the individual bytes right outta it, regardless of how they are type-d, so what your are saying can't be true.

that's just a simple obvious answer...others exist.

Comment Re:The master owns everything, including your *LIF (Score 1) 243

"And, while I agree that the ATF has badly bungled the whole Waco fiasco, I have zero compassion for religious nuts."

did you really just say that as long as the government potentially-kills-thru-negligence the women and children of "religious nuts", its ok???

as opposed to what? the children of left-leaning journalists?

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