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Comment It's an illusion (Score 2) 154

It only feels like a tech bubble similar to what we had 15 years ago because all of the tech workers are still paid what they were 15 years ago. I don't see VCs running around throwing money at every startup they can find, product be damned. At least the companies getting the money these days have *something*.

Comment Re:He's right when he's driving in the UK (Score 4, Funny) 144

Driving around "country roads" in Scotland, I was left with the impression that they don't really have "sides". You just go along down the middle until you come across an oncoming car, then rock/paper/scissors to decide who is going to back-up to a spot wide enough for two cars to pass or just pull into the sheep field. These "country roads" also seemed to be the most direct route from one place to another.

Comment Re:Humans hide things from each other all the time (Score 2) 93

G+ is explicitly designed around this idea. That is the whole purpose of circles which is at the center of everything. You create a boss circle for those in your management-chain, a co-workers circle for the co-workers, a family circle for the wife, and a douche circle for all of the cute florists.

Comment Re:NOPASSWD and su - (Score 1) 83

I always get a bit of a laugh when an email comes through that a user tried to sudo su. Fortunately they haven't figured out the trick of using one of the programs with a shell escape, or even sudo bash.

The scary bit is when the audit trail just disappears or they don't followup with an email asking for something.

Comment Re:Depends what kind of engineer (Score 1) 397

EE degrees are a great example of the "misunderstanding" of what a college degree is. Nearly every Bachelor's program in E. Engineering from 4-year universities graduates people who have nearly Zero experience (directly or even on-paper) designing real-world projects. These degrees (arguably, like all degrees from 4-year universities) are *not* meant to be job training. They are meant to be education, useful for one to then go get job training.

      It's the universities' own fault for pretending like these degrees will produce a job-ready, knowledgeable engineer.

I don't really feel misled by my university. They were pretty up-front that the degree was not a ticket to get a job designing the space shuttle, and at best the most we could expect was 4 years of a jobs doing testing and validation before touching design. After getting an EE BS, you're pretty much qualified to be an Engineer In Training, during that time is when you actually learn some EE stuff. Everything in undergrad is basically just providing a foundation to build upon.

Comment Re: I find this strange (Score 1) 397

Were I in the GP's position, then I would switch to patent law. That's not going to be outsourced, there's a "need" for law-types with a deep understanding of things like electrical engineering, you'll still kind of work with tech, and it pays a lot better. The "need" is largely because of the ridiculous patent situation in the US right now unfortunately, but there is a good chance you could be one of the good guys and work for companies that use what they make instead of the patent trolls.

Comment Re:No question? (Score 4, Interesting) 961

"...there is no suggestion anyone was to blame for Walker's crash..." unless you follow that link which says that the police suspect that speed was involved. No question that anyone not in the car was to blame is a different sentence indeed. Looking at the pictures of the scene its hard to imagine that they were driving anywhere close to the 45mph speed limit.

And later they estimate the car was going 40-45mph. http://www.nbcnews.com/entertainment/paul-walker-was-real-hero-daughter-heart-soul-his-charity-2D11683842
How about waiting until the investigation is complete before jumping to conclusions? The police comment on random shit just to comment in cases like these. For some reason nobody considers "I have no idea, we're still investigating" an appropriate answer.

Comment poll option count (Score 1) 283

Is there a limit at 7? Seems like there are a lot of missing options. I think everybody just chose pinball because that's the 2nd best option to their favorite game that is missing. I would've chosen Spy Hunter, Pole Position, or the full motion Afterburner cabinet. Never heard of that Kung Fu game though, even after looking it up.
The arcade I went to the most also had a go kart track though, so that's the real winner.

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