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Comment Re: No time zones, no DST, centons (Score 2) 277

If people are that close to the edge then leaving for work an hour earlier / losing an hour's sleep is only a proximate cause to their death.

The root cause is that they were leading a fucked-up life and were susceptible to a final straw. Now, whether any given individual's life is fucked up due to their own choices or not probably runs the gamut from 0 to 1 on probability distribution.

Excuse me. I know you inner city trash don't have to deal with this.

However, us drivin' folk in flyover states need to deal with the sun as it affects VISIBILITY.

See, that thing you see between the buildings and through the smog and smoke called "the sun", when it gets low (behind buildings) it reflects off the road pavement, or sometimes ice and snow, and gets in one's eyes. I know you can't see it then, but it really does this.

Going to work (in a car, not a train or a subway or a bus) during one week of the year is more hazardous due to bad visibility during peak traffic times due to the sun being low on the horizon (that's "skyline", to you city slickers) because the low sun and reflective pavement obscure vision and shorten the distance available to react. It also makes it harder to discern the markings on the roads. This peak traffic accident week happens once a year regardless. Daylight savings time makes it happen TWICE a year.

Comment Re:Exception to the exception to the exception (Score 1) 277

Annnnd noone thinks that DST creates more time either. It allows us to enjoy longer periods of sunlight during waking hours over the summer season.

Except it DOESNT do that.

The relation between when the luser gets up compared to the sun and when he goes to work does that. What TIME it is when that happens is not part of the causative loop.

All clocks should be on GMT all the time. Not modified, ever.

Figure out when you need to go to work yourself. Figure out when you need to get up yourself. Figure out what local lunch time is yourself.

And don't give me "but the schools" bullshit. Schools now days have rotating "starting late" days that fuck up any normal schedule anyway. They absolutely can adjust to a random bullshit reason not to start, so they can adjust for a longer lived jump in time during the year as the school system, local latitude and weather dictate. They'll get MORE freedom to deal with the problems they might have.

Comment Re:Not a good idea. (Score 2) 79

If a large number of robocall reports were being made in real time, wouldn't that help identify the physical source?

First, phone numbers can and are often "spoffed".

Second, just like with Intertube Spam, I can bust out 100,000's of robo-calls in one day from a disposable phone number (MagicJack and the like), and than move on untraced.

The phone companies know where the call is coming from. They just don't know it's a "bad call" when it is actually happening. You are very very confused if you think what the phone companies and guys running the switches can see is the caller ID number that shows up on the phone. (Caller ID can be spoofed.)

On the other hand, a system of rapid reporting can make those numbers useless after an hour of robo calling, rather than a day.

Who the hell picks up the phone now days anyway? I just let it ring or silence it. It's incredibly megalomaniac to think the call is actually important on any account. They can leave a voice mail, they can email, text, or find me on Facebook. If I don't know them, they are trying to sell / scam something and they can fuck off.

Comment Re:Impossible (Score 1) 274

I've seen several images of American Civil War bullets being dug up welded together. There were battles where there was so much musket and rifle fire and so densely targeted that a few bullets actually collided in mid air Granted; this was an accidental result, the product of sheer numbers. It invalidates your specific claim without invalidating the point I think you were trying to make about using lasers to down incoming missiles/artillery/etc.

Modern jacketed bullets won't stick when they collide, and are generally moving a lot faster than a .51 cal musket ball. So they would break apart instead when they do collide. Modern firefights usually involve more bullets going down range too. They probably are colliding, it's just that nobody notices.

Comment Re:Anthem is normal here (Score 2) 116

Bypassing your security is easy. Step 1, Bad Guy kills your dog in front of you. Step 2, Bad Guy then puts the gun to your head and starts removing body parts till Bad Guy has access. Lets face it, its not exactly the Bad Guys problem that you are bleeding to death on your carpet. It's a hell of a plan you've got.

Why is it you liberal idiots always assume only bad guys have guns?

Step 0, bad guy spotted on approach and hit three times in the gut with .357 rounds. Better yet, a 12 gauge at the doorway.

Maybe YOUR plan is give up your tender butthole. Not everybody is like that.

Comment Re:And this, kids, is why you configure your serve (Score 1) 89

Then you're part of the problem.

If vendors didn't pander to people running IE 5 then they would sack the fuck up and call their nephew to spend 5 minutes installing Teamviewer and Google Chrome.

People who refuse to run modern shit on their hardware may be the majority, but only because assholes are willing to bend over backwards selling them "lazy" as a commodity.

Not sure what the GP is going on about.

In my observations, retiring Windows XP drastically reduced the number of issues from "my stuff doesn't work, it's new, I bought it 10 years ago, why not?" complaints.

There was a small cadre of folks re-installing XP on new machines (I did it too) because there wasn't a reason not to. After Nosebleed and Hearbeep (or whatever) happened last year I shut off old ciphers on all my stuff. And know what? NOBODY NOTICED. I get an occasional hit from China or other shitholes I don't care about trying it, and they often come along with other probes so it's not real traffic.

So the point is, GP isn't correct when he's talking about his "majority," there is no such group. They're gone. The idea that there is a technically adept person running old shit because it still works, who also doesn't know it's risky, and also can't afford to upgrade to new shit is a Venn diagram with three unconnected circles on it.

Go ahead and run what you want as a hobby if you get fulfillment from it. If your hobby puts you at risk, or can't be used somewhere, tough shit.

Comment Re:1.2 what? (Score 1) 199

They probable siezed the entire contents of the datacenter, just to be sure they got everything offending. Might mean a few thousand customers will be inconvenienced, but it's the only way to be sure.

The only thing this is "sure" to do is absolutely kill the formerly thriving data center / cloud computing business in Canada.

With that much data, they barely have the justice / investigation capability in the ENTIRE COUNTRY to sort through it all, and it demonstrates without a doubt the capaiblity that they DO have is technically ignorant to the point of not being able to read labels and cross reference it with customer records.

The result will be more, but more distributed hosting of such things there by people that know the CA authorities are idiiots, and less economic activity of the obvious and apparently too good to resist concentrations of all data type activity regardless of legal status because nobody wants their legit servers sized by ignorant and out of control mounted pigs.

Some days I just wish America's Hat would just fall the fuck off.

Comment Re:The reason I don't like it (Score 1) 146

Playing catch-up made Google make some stupid decisions.

iGoogle was absolutely awesome. I resorted to making my own web page for a while, but then switched to a place called "NetVibes" While they are after a corporate "watch overall my stuff" type environment, carefully picking the apps to put on your page gives you a useful start-up interface.

Comment Re:Not going to use it (Score 1) 146

Anybody remember how the censored inages (and other search results) because of the evil of porn?

[citation needed]

There is plenty of porn on web search and image search. If something is missing, and you think it's deliberate, please explain what and why you think so.

Watching too much cranial-rectal-inversion porn or something?

Just last week, Google censored the fuck out of Blogger blogs with "porn" on them, then had to change the rules again due to people being pissed off about it, settling on "we didn't mean to delete it, here, you just have to hide it."

Do you even know what DejaNews IS kid?

Comment Re:Easy life (Score 1) 208

You'd have to browse Pubmed with blinders on to miss all the studies of how weight training leads to injuries. Just picking one author who writes about them, here's 1 2 3 4 studies on it. I only do body weight exercises now, and I count myself lucky that I only have one mild uncorrectable shoulder injury from my lifting days.

Makes me wonder if the studies controlled for crossfit idiocy or not.

Comment Re:Easy life (Score 1) 208

A sauna is like exercising, in that it's hot, uncomfortable, and you sweat too much. But the advantage is that you get to sit down and do nothing.

The sweat may be the key to this. Salt isn't bad for you, as long as you are pissing or sweating it out. Something that the "western world" folks do a lot less of during the course of their lives. Higher sustained salt loads in the blood and tissues may cause some harm.

Comment Re:Is that really a lot? (Score 1) 280

Americans have no interest in those jobs. I see no shortage of minimum wage, unskilled labor job postings here. Problem is most people think they're better than that.

They have no interest in those jobs because they are "under the table" and don't pay minimum, don't pay taxes, don't have work rules, and don't allow advancement.

The fact that the illegal is here, and can't work, means the job he takes is automatically depreciated to whatever he will take it for. If there were NO illegals, all those jobs would pay what the market is willing to bear, a lot more.

It absolutely fucking amazes me that the same set of folks who cry all over a "living wage" and want healthcare and unions and all that also want to torpedo the balance of wages by letting all the illegals in the country. It's almost as if, the democrats are... lying... to their constituents.

Comment Re:Nothing important. (Score 1) 203

Actually they are not. The one who are vaccined survive. The ones who aren't risk to die. The problem is for the minority of children below roughly 12 month, they are to young to be vaccined and if they catch the desease they might die from it. Everyone who actually is vaccined does not need to bother how many others are vaccined. Except if it is the postman, the milk man and another important servant who suddenly dies from an easily preventable illness.

I am not sure I am going to be too upset about an event that keeps the snotting, drooling, noisy, stinky, bulky, and slow crotch droppings from being dragged out into inappropriate public places all the time.

"Let's keep Junior and Juniess at home for the first several years cuz they might catch something and die" is OK in my book.

Comment Re:Overstamp twice. (Score 1) 133

No need for such over-complicated and over-engineered solutions.

Each gun already imprints a unique microscopic signature on a bullet and casing. Just submit a scan of a fired bullet and cartridge to a central database for each new firearm sold, where it's linked to the serial number. They're test-fired before use anyhow, so I'll bet the manufacturer could easily add a forensic-type scanner to the manufacturing process, likely completely automated as well. Then we wouldn't have to rely on serial numbers on the gun at all then. Any bullet in good condition could likely be linked with the serial number using that database.

Law enforcement already uses this technique, but can only perform matching tests if the gun or additional fired rounds are found. This wouldn't require any new technology at all, only new procedures.

Not really. Those "unique" qualities are only such for a limited time.

Using, or even cleaning, the firearm will cause them to change.

Someone wanting to use the firearm, and change it's ballistics characteristics needs only a few minutes with the a few tools. File, sandpaper, perhaps a punch.

If the gun is fired and then tossed, they can match them. Fired and kept and the owner wants to change it's profile, it's really easy.

Get yourself a firearm, and use it. Stop watching so much TV.

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