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Comment Re:oajds (Score 4, Insightful) 175

What I'd be interested to see is if, and how aggressively, they take action against image collections that are not of any use for their desired purposes. They obviously can't be too capricious and unpredictable, or they'll spook users; but you can't offer 'unlimited' storage without making some provision for 'that guy who hacks together a FUSE filesystem that uses images uploaded to Google Photos as a storage medium' or the 'Cool, this will make my next time-lapse video project way easier' cases.(and, of course, if you are feeling particularly uncreative, /dev/random just needs a dash of formatting information to be as many bitmaps as you could possibly desire.) Are they just going to go with the ISP-style 'I said unlimited; but I actually meant X photos or Y GB of traffic per month; apparently I'm allowed to get away with that, so STFU', are they going to have peons manually examine accounts whose size gets out of hand and decide what to do?

Their track record on removing useful and loved services for little or no reason should spook users well enough without playing games with the content.

Comment Re:Not a Cure (Score 1) 89

The trials that were conducted were a treatment, not a cure. A cure insinuates the organism is no longer susceptible to the disease, which is not the case with these treatments. A better article, that represents our research and treatments, and quotes us better, is the MNN article below.

I expect their cure to be temporary.

Fungus, if it's stopped by bacteria is due to living space and biological niche being filled.

Just like someone on lots of antibiotics is at higher risk of thrush infections (fungus) and can be helped by consuming "probiotic" foods, the inoculation will depend on the bacteria PERSISTING on the bat and staying there.

For whatever reason, bacteria that used to fulfill the role for bats is gone and the niche was exploited by the fungus.

Finding something more effective than the usual anti-fungal drugs is a breakthrough, but they might still have to make this bacteria persistent or re-spray bat housing to keep the bats healthy.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256

For a couple of hours after being washed with a detergent? No, it doesn't.

I see you haven't had experience with one of the new fangled "low water use front load "HE"" washers yet.

YES, indeed, they can create a very strong mildew odor in your clothes that in some cases is permanent, in as little as a few hours. And do it ONCE and now EVERY load smells like that until you do a proper bleach load.

Top washers don't have this problem, the HE front load washers DO.

Comment Re:So now the Republicans... (Score 1) 36

will use this as an excuse to spend even less money on bridges. They hate us and refuse to provide jobs via infrastructure projects. They would rather have us all die on broken bridges than give one job to a single person. Here in the Republican-ruled shithole of Seattle, our waterfront has been destroyed by something called the Alaskan Viaduct, or as the locals call it, the Republican Monster. It is horrible. It is falling down. Even the Republicans admit that it is dangerous and is going to fall. But, because it uglifies the waterfront, the Republicans want to keep it. They hate us and want to make our lives so ugly. So ugly. The Republicans in Seattle are full of hate.

Typical liberal. Completely against education and knowledge.

If you want to go live in a cave with your hairy, sinky-snatch woman. Go ahead. Retarding society and ruining it for the rest of us.

Imagine if you will, we knew what bridges were going to fail. Or, even if we knew how to make better ones that lasted longer because we know how they fail. Or, maybe this technology becomes cheap, you know, like every other motherfucking thing we do now, and can be simply bolted on a bunch of places on a bridge, with each sensor scanned with a bar code (for it's location and bridge number) in an afternoon by two guys in a pickup truck and $ 700 worth of sensors.

Or, we could just do nothing, sitting around confused by too much dirty hippy pot, unable to think of anything but the faint smell of dirty snatch in the cave.

Comment Re:/etc/hosts file paranoia (Score 1) 147

If you use your web browser will try to connect to localhost. If you run a web server, this will result in a 404 and weird content on your pages. If you don't run a web server, this will result in a delay while the web browser unsuccessfully attempts to connect.

Instead, you should use which is a null route that fails immediately.


No local web server results in rejection by the OS, which is very fast.

Some web SITES on the other hand, use things like load-time include content that mucks up pages. But in general using the localhost IP is very fast.

Comment Re:This will be a historic mission. (Score 1) 190

They'll probably just pay someone else to do it for them with the oil money as usual.

And what they buy will be an empty bomb casing full of pinball machine parts.

Seriously though, I don't see the level of cooperation required for this project persisting long enough to pull it off. But, the best of luck to them for trying.

Comment Re:Agreed (Score 1) 950

You are right. Of course when the man does change, his genetic superiority (in the eyes of his mate) as a "rebel" is negated and so goes with it passion, attraction, commitment, and eventually the relationship.

Couples therapists have spoken on this in that when men actually do change, generally to be more communicative of their feelings, women don't see them as being masculine anymore and lose interest.

As usual the only winning strategy is to be yourself and avoid close relationships with anyone who doesn't respect that.

I was going to say, getting pregnant by the rebel and having the sucker raise the children doesn't always happen in that order.

There's always another rebel out there.

Comment Re:What about servers run from home ? (Score 2) 324

As has been mentioned before in this thread, use the Let's Encrypt protocol to get a publicly valid cert for free, set up your own internal CA or just use self signed certs... not hard.

I am beginning to suspect this whole article's purpose for existing is to allow commenters to side-load a bunch of whitewashing about "letsencrypt"

I am going to respond with a resounding FUCK YOU when you offer to let some third party shit "reconfigure and do it automatically" the security on my web services.

Comment Re:Wait a minute... (Score 0) 324

What you're website is serving has no relationship to what the browser gets if they do a man-in-the-middle attack and change the content.


I am supposed to care what some dumbass in china has happen to his pirated windows machine because his own government is trying to fuck him? He should remove his government if that's the case. Either way, not my problem.

Comment Re:Devil's advoct ALL encryption has a good-guy do (Score 1) 174

I agree this is stupid. Sometimes, though, I like to think of the best arguments I can for the other side's position. In other words, come up with reasons I might be wrong.

In this case, I'd have to admit that ANY time I send an encrypted message, it should always have a way for the good guy to read the message. For example, suppose I use https to send a secure request to That must have a way for the good guy,, to read the message. There's no technical reason it can't be encrypted such that TWO good guys have keys, and the Good Guy Bureau.

In fact, standard encryption as used by tls does almost that - two people ALREADY have the key which is used to encrypt the message. The sender has the key and so does the receiver. The shared key is then encrypted by another key generated such that two parties can know it, without either ever transmitting it. Mathematically, one could certainly add the GGB key to the algorithm.

It could be just as unbreakable as the current encryption standards, though those do depend on keys being kept secret. The Good Guy Key probably wouldn't actually be kept secret for long. That's the huge failing that makes it a non-starter from a purely technical perspective- that we'd all be screwed if the FBI's key were ever revealed or cracked. Various attempts at DRM show that widely-used keys are always cracked.

Why bother with all that? The FBI walks in (or calls) the bank, and they hand over all your information just trying to be "helpful." This happens ALL THE TIME at ISPs and banks. Why do all the technical stuff to achieve it?

Comment Re:as many as you'd like, but please, one per post (Score 0) 127

1. Why do you hate America? 2. Why do you hate white people so much? 3. Why do you hate men so much? 4. Why do you hate the 1st amendment? 5. How does your site spawn libtard SJWs? 6. Why so many of them? 7. Do you realize your site is not that funny anymore? 8. Do you realize no on cares anymore? 9. Do you realize you're not relevant anymore? 10. Will you please stop spawning libtard SJWs?

No shit. When I skimmed the summary here I was a bit floored he isn't running as some leftist party or just as a democrat.

The mods there are clearly leftist female, gay, or some wound up race baiter if not all of them in one and then turned loose to enforce their personal ideals rather than run a site that's worthwhile.My bets are they are all very young... they lack the judgement that comes with age.

Sorry Mr Curtis. You had a good site at one point. But, it's gone, and it's going to taint (read, reaveal a lot of lies) your claim to be anything but a leftist politically. Just admit that and you'll do much better in politics.

Comment Re:Disgusting. (Score 1) 686

This country is so damn rotten. I can't wait for grandpa to die already.

Note that

Americans overall say by plurality that Snowden has done "more to hurt" U.S. national security (43 percent) than help it (20 percent).

doesn't mean that grandpa thinks that Snowden is a terrorist or that Snowden did anything wrong. The problem with surveys like this is that any interpretation of them will be skewed. Without knowing how the person interpreted the question you can't say anything about the answer.

Say that you find a wallet containing $1000 on the street. You have the option to return the wallet to the owner, keep it or keep the money and return the wallet. If you ask someone if they will be financially better off if they keep the wallet/money compared to if they return it then the answer will be that they are better off if they keep the money. If you ask what they think is the right thing to do you get another answer. (Hopefully.)

Short term I can agree that Snowdens actions probably hurt national security and the revelation clearly damaged the U.S. image. Over a longer timespan it was the right thing to do and will in the long run help with creating a global stability based on mutual trust. The NSA idea of security is to strike first against the neighbor. The ideal scenario is to have a neighbor that you can ask to look after your house while you are on vacation.

No. The fuckers "running" the US damaged the US's image. The NSA has all kinds of support in looking at the OTHER GUY's citizens.

The toolbags in charge turned all that around and used the government AGAINST the citizens, 99.995% of whom were doing nothing wrong and who's rights were absolutely violated.

If Snowden didn't do what he did, somewhere, someone else, would have. And the thing is, if you aren't doing anything wrong when your shit gets revealed then you don't have a lot to worry about.

Comment Re:ok but (Score 1) 409

In the case of a police officer when they interpret the law wrong there should be repercussions.


When a politician sponsors a bill and its found unconstitutional, there should be repercussions. When a DA files charges against someone and loses, there should be repercussions.

There already are repercussions. These are elected positions, no? You and your neighbours can decide to not vote for these people come next election. What's that? It's hard to remove corrupt public officials from office? Yeah, I'm well aware of this. Doesn't mean it's not, at least theoretically, possible. Yes, it will take lots of work, but then this is your country. And mine too. Hopefully we will eventually get enough critical mass to remove them. I just hope we can do it before they manage to completely shred what's left of the Constitution.

Bullshit there are repercussions. The voters actually vote for the corrupt, anti-constitutional politicians specifically BECAUSE they intend to violate the constitution. Diane Fiendstien has been trying to wipe out the 2nd Amendment for FOURTY YEARS and is still in office, simply because liberal Commifornians want to violate the rights of others.

Go ask your local liberal hippie if it thinks you should be allowed to own a gun. The answer is "no". And it votes that way.

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