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User Journal

Journal Journal: Pointless meme

1. What is your occupation?
Weilder of the Wire Brush of Enlightenment and the Broadsword of Understanding. i.e. I'm doing system administration.

2. What color are your socks right now?
Black and yellow.

3. What are you listening to right now?
Spoon - Gimme Fiction

4. What was the last thing that you ate?
A strawberry trifle.

5. Can you drive a stick shift?
I only drive stick shifts. Automatics - eugh!

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Dominator2010 moment 3

Those of you who have may have dominator2010 friended may be aware that he's not really have the best couple of days in his personal life. Nevertheless, I present a moment that I find particularly amusing.

Journal Journal: The FireHose? 10

Hey, look at that:

Probably only available to subscribers. Since it says "available to subscribers".

Looks like one can now see and vote on upcoming stories, ala Digg.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Blog

Hey, I'm trying out a proper blog over here:

Some of you may be interested in the stuff I post there. You'll probably also see a couple of dupes there too, since I took copies from here.

Anything that is Slashdot-related, or has to do with the circle of friends here, I plan to keep here in my journal.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ask /. rockstars 21

Aimed squarely at a number of people around here who probably know the answer...

So my oldest boy turned 16 today, and he likes to play bass. I took him to Guitar Center to pick out some toys, and gave him a relatively small dollar figure to work with. He had previously expressed interest in some new pickups or a wah peddle, or similar, so that's what I had in mind.

User Journal

Journal Journal: ELER 3

I don't know if anyone else here reads the web comic Everybody Loves Eric Raymond. The Schneier bit is hilarous, and I got a little mention, too. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Rain

So, I feel like I've picked on Solemn's writing a couple of times now, and haven't given her a chance to reciprocate. Plus, the wife's out of town, and I'm bored and the kids are asleep. So:

User Journal

Journal Journal: $5 MP3 player fun 2

I thought I'd experiment with posting something to the Instructables site. If you're interested, check it out. It's just a couple of really cheap parts plugged together, but I think one could get some good mischief out of it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: iTunes alphabet

Blame btlzu2. Alright, this sounds like a fun one, anyway.

(What, no numbers & symbols?)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Handguns for everyone! 2

In further stirring up trouble news:
Judge Overturns Controversial SF Hand Gun Ban

So I think the sane thing happened here, and the [clear to me] Constitutional bit about arms was upheld, against a city popular vote. (Though it was done at a State level so far.)

Plus, you gotta love this sentence from the article:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Want to see my kids? 10

So last weekend, I went to the Makers Faire. I wish I had taken the kids, there was lots of cool stuff for them to do and see. But the way things had worked out, I hadn't planned for that well. I'll make an effort to take them next year.

So while I was there, I bought them a 10-pack of throwies. It was $20, which I think is a pretty decent deal.

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
