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Comment Re:Microsoft's 1990's business plan. (Score 1) 162

I see plenty of forks of open source software even small fish. Look at Linux, X, KDE, Gnome, Ubuntu. Heck, look at a random Github project and someone has forked it.

I see plenty of forks of open source software even small fish. Look at Linux, X, KDE, Gnome, Ubuntu. Heck, look at a random Github project and someone has forked it haven't they?

I just forked your comment

Comment Re:Statistics and.. (Score 1) 407

California had a massive reduction in prison population due to courts deeming that holding people under severely crowded conditions was unconstitutional.

Why don't they rotate them? Prisoners coul spend 3 out of 4 weeks inside meaning that for every 4 prisoners the prison could incareate one more ~ 120% occupancy without over crowding

Prisoners could choose to undertake rehabilitation activities (employment, volunteering, education, etc) in that could help them take time off their sentance (and for discresions they could have time added).

It always seems dumb to put criminals in a box full of other crinimals (of potetnatlly greater expereince or ambission) and call it rehabilitation. Effective leading two lives side by side will give the person the ability to reconcile the cost/benefits of a life of crime

Comment Re:symbols, caps, numbers (Score 1) 549

".....The "correcthorsebatterystaple" is actually pretty good advice at this point, all things considered....."

One suggestion - right out a grid of infomation you know like the date your team one the cup, a numberplate from and old car, the clothing label & lift weight on the best day at the gym (*)


Now pick four columns:


I simple way to always be able to work out a password without having to remember it. After a few accounts (depending on the size of your grid) you are going to remember 24+ character passwords with relative ease.

You can vary the size and orentation of your columns and number of rows. Also you can flavour your characters with rules like "every second letter in caps" and all that other stuff people do.

Comment Re:min install (Score 1) 221

Don't forget LRP - Linux Router Project - I had a headless P1 connection to the dial up modem with 3 PC's hanging off

One of us would play Quake and the other two browse the web.

LRP had modules for the network cards I had (and many others).

@ that time many providers in AU wanted to sell you one phone line / ADSL line per PC.


Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 561

There is ONE thing that matters, and that is : who does the best work.

This is a great idea right up until you hit the recruiter / HR / hiring manager and expereinces their preferences / beliefs / dispositions / biases.

Me I can't prononunce many names from other cultures. I feel more more comfortable saying "John" than "Akshayakeerti".

Recruiters talk about "Cultural Fit" which in basic terms translates to "How do they fit in?" / "How do they compliment?" the group. It doesn't take too much for a HR dept - group - organisation to keep placing "Johns" with other "Johns" because they are an easy fit. Keeping personal bias out of the recruitment process is a difficult/impossible thing to do but as a society we need fundamental goals to strive for to jam that door open to all people. Quota's are a crap system but they are better than shutting the door on talent through diversity.

Comment Re:Wyvern = Wyrm (Score 1) 306

Because despite recent bad press, they are interested in security. If we can write stuff with fewer bugs, we are more secure.

I'm confused, if things that make things more secure for "us" don't they make them more secure for "them"? Isn't that why some technologies like encryption are not allowed to be exported to certain corners of the Internet?

If a government agency wants to insert itself into such a project - Cui bono? Its more like an action to stir the pot than to bring about conclusion. They only have power if there is an enemy so winning the war is not an option.

Comment Re:Keep It Ready (Score 1) 208

Have to say I am in this place right now. We have 10RU for a small buisness and the only compelling reasons to go 100% cloud is:

1) aviod playing with hardware and phyisical failures
2) Cheeper storage w/o buying disks
3) Cheeper bandwidth

From a compute / storage / flexibility POV @ $800 / month we have 40 cores, baremetal speed for DB, 48 GB RAM and a relationship with the owner of the facility.

Priced up the same way we would get ~ 7GB RAM, 2 Cores + 4GB RAM MySQL Server + data and storage in the cloud (Thats a rough Google cost but I spent 4 hours reading sites yesterday).

If I way a lone dev wanting to start somewhere or had a budget that I could/wanted to increase then it would be cloud all the way. But while I still know how to admin my servers, have a real business and the cost is on par with moving (excluding any outage / client relations costs) then there is nothing compelling about going to cloud (yet).


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