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Comment Re:Here we go again (Score 1) 496

Do you know anything about running a business? In a service industry, people costs are often a huge portion of a company's overall costs. Minor changes in that structure can have major impact on the bottom line.

Even in traditional manufacturing jobs, where a large percent of the costs are tied up in capital and materials, a modest change in employee costs filters through. Just ask GM and Chrysler.

Comment Re:Wrong Question (Score 1) 197

Actually, a lot of companies have a moral compass, even "evil" ones. I mean, do you consider Apple evil because they sue over patents?

Um, if it makes Apple "evil" to protect their IP from being directly ripped off by well-heeled competitors (cough, Samsung, cough), then I think you need to adjust your definition of "evil".

I mean, if you were the CEO of Apple, what would you have done in that instance? I mean, look at the Techcrunch article with the "Before iPhone" and "After iPhone" Samsung pictures. Tell me you wouldn't have been incensed, probably moved to litigation.

Comment Re:"Getting whiter" (Score 2) 496

You want a peaceful civilization? Encourage lots of different people to live next to each other.

Wow, I feel misinformed despite my NY Times subscription. You mean to tell me there's a war going on in 90+% white Scandinavia and I didn't know about it? Given how oppressive their governments are known to be and the complete absence of social welfare there, such barbarism I guess should be expected.

I'm especially glad to know that multiethnic regions like Africa and the Middle East are so peaceful and nonviolent, that must have been another article I missed out on.

Comment Re:Capitalism does not reward morality (Score 1) 197

Morality is for the working class. If you want to succeed in a capitalist economy, it's better to be amoral.

Reminds me of a Book that has been around since the late 1970s (and still available on Amazon, I believe) :

"Why S.O.B.s Succeed And Nice Guys Fail In a Small Business"

No truer words were ever penned.

In fact, when writing physical checks to pay bills was the norm, and based on some ideas from that book, I would regularly fill-in pieces of the MICR OCR field-delimiters at the bottoms of my personal checks to delay their processing by the Federal Reserve Clearinghouse, I know it worked, because I would receive those checks back "re-striped" with new (no doubt manually-generated) OCR strips stuck on the bottoms of the check. It was usually good for a 3 to 5 business-day delay "float", while (I assume) the check got kicked-out of the automatic scanner, and routed to the "manual processing" pile. And, since my account wasn't debited until the check "cleared" this process, I avoided a non-sufficient-funds "bounce" fee, and the payor thought that I had paid "on time" (which I technically had).

I kept waiting to get a nasty letter from my bank or the Fed saying "quit it, or you're going to jail!", but I never did.

Comment Re:FBI Director James Comey may not care. (Score 1) 93

it's all, once again, a lot of buzzwords, and zero security.

That's a bit unfair. Yes, any security system that tries to be entirely transparent cannot really be end to end secure, but nobody has ever built a mainstream, successful deployment of end to end encryption that lets you use a service even if you don't trust it. There are many difficult problems to solve here. Forward secure end to end encryption behind the scenes is clearly an important stepping stone, and OWS has said they will expose things like key verification in future updates. Just because they haven't done everything all at once, and solved every hard problem, does not mean it's just a lot of buzzwords.

Comment "Getting whiter" (Score 5, Interesting) 496

Can someone explain to me how a city getting whiter is necessarily worse for the city?

Is there a specific race that is missing? If you made it 30% Chinese, 30% White and 30% Indian is that good enough, or do you need some minimal proportion of every race?

And is it really "race" we need -- ie, if we bulk up on suburbanized, native-born nonwhites (like Mindy Kaling or Aziz Ansari as an example) does that really count, or is what we're looking for some kind of non-white cultural influence, so non-whites who act white don't count?

Please, someone tell me what the ideal racial combination is.

Comment Re:Bad sign. (Score 1) 222

Solar only feels like half a solution without cheap, high capacity heavy-cycle batteries capable of running everything for several days with zero power input and providing boost power for when solar output lags.

I'm thinking like 120kWh for under $10k.

If there's some way to store enough potential solar energy you can generate then even something like 15w/sq ft ought to be adequate.

Comment Re:How much longer will Foxconn need Apple? (Score 1) 109

Apple is not really a technology brand these days


Apple is in the same league: as long as the brand remains premium, it does not matter what the output is or for that matter what their quality is.

Too bad for your theory that Apple remains the top performer and the tops in quality and customer satisfaction.

Comment Re:How much longer will Foxconn need Apple? (Score 1) 109

Of course, a big part of it is Apple is able to tweak the software to their needs and spend time doing so. Samsung doesn't have that luxury when they release more than 1 new smartphone a week (56 so far in 2014 alone!) and 1 new tablet every two weeks [arstechnica.com]. Or LG, which released 41 since the start of the year. Versus Apple's 6 or so (4 of which were just minor tweaks of the base model)..

Excuse me, but is anyone holding a gun to either Samsung or LG's proverbial heads, forcing them to throw design after design at the wall to see what sticks? It's like every single prototype that some engineer slaps together, the marketing guys steal right off the bench and put into full production. What maroons!

In fact, in the face of their 60% drop in profits, Samsung just announced they are reigning-in their insane new-model-creation rate, and focusing on "quality" over "quantity".

All I have to say to Samsung is: "Duh". Where EVAR did you get THAT idea...?

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