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Comment Or maybe... (Score 0) 655

Or maybe it's because the politicos who are pushing the idea of global warming tend to lie with every fiber of their being... and with every breath they take. All their proposed solutions do little more than give GovCo more money and more power at the expense of the US economy. It could be that too...

Comment A long and winding road... (Score 1) 867

Slackware on CD from the back of a book... no way I was downloading that over a modem! Detour to IRIX... then redhat... mandrake.. redhat.. centos.. fedora... detour to solaris... debian... redhat. So in summary... RedHat... it's the linux distro I like the least and use the most! Of course in those early days there was also things like OS2Warp... Desqview.. and NeXT.

Comment Re:It's OUR job (Score 1) 2416

It's OUR country and OUR job to look after OUR own interests through the democratic process. Those whackjobs we send to the legislature are OUR representatives in the process.

You want to point a finger, point it at yourself.

I see you still believe in the system... I don't... not anymore. You vote once every couple years.. nothing improves it just keeps getting worse. When people can successfully vote themselves 'free money' it's game over. It won't go on forever though.. at some point the music stops and it comes crashing down. Now it's just about managing that decline to a 'soft landing'.

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