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Comment Re:From a comment there (Score 3, Informative) 341

TPM is hated by Slashdot because the mobo manufacturers have a dirty habit of preloading the Microsoft keys and not allowing you any way to remove the Microsoft keys or use your own, effectively making it useless for any real security purpose (beyond vendor lock-in to Microsoft).

In fact, the ARM Windows RT tablets were required by Microsoft to force Microsoft's TPM SecureBoot keys only.

Microsoft's dirty tactics and motherboard manufacturers with their head in their ass are the reason TPM is shunned.

Comment Upstart (Score 4, Insightful) 362

So upstart has some things that need to be fixed (mostly the clean shutdown thing)...
Systemd is a monster that gets to infect more of you packages over time, plus you get the benefit of binary log files!

I hope they choose upstart and just fix it up a bit.

OpenRC has been proposed by some too, which seems like a nice sysvinit replacement, but event driven startup and shutdown of services (think laptops and hotswap stuff) is more important than just a fast startup time.

Comment Re:Who's responsible for the ads served (Score 1) 146

Rather than making them all point at, I like just killing their dns lookup when using dnsmasq (this only looks in /etc/hosts for the dns entry instead of a response)...


It's faster / less resource hungry then 404s hitting myself (since I often run a local apache for some static content and development).

I mostly KILL WITH FIRE the stupid "textual" ad providers... I HATE when I hover/highlight over text and it pops up crap.

Comment Re:They fouled their own bed (Score 1) 147


What would really happen:
Small development company sued over and over by large company who wants to prevent them from competing with ridiculously broad software patents until small company goes out of business. Large competitor has 10's of thousands of dubious patents...
Just dealing with a single assertion from large corporation costs $200,000 http://en.swpat.org/wiki/Cost_of_defending_yourself_against_patent_litigation

Comment Enable Click to Play (Score 1) 102

In Chrome, Firefox, and all Android browsers, just enable "click to play" for all plugins, instantly 99.9% of your vulnerabilities are gone.
Bonuses: no flashing ads, fewer CPU or RAM chugging browser tabs, no random audio ads, better battery life.

On the few sites where you want it on by default (youtube for example) it's just a two click "enable permanently" whitelist.

WHY isn't this the default on all browsers by now?


Submission + - Cold Fusion claims are back! This time from Italy. (nextbigfuture.com)

intangible writes: Here we go again... a couple scientists in Italy (scam artists?) are claiming to have accomplished Cold Fusion and will be showing off their work on Jan 15.
I hope I'm wrong about the "scam" part, but we'll see soon enough (unless they prevent all outside evaluations, hide their implementation, and prevent replication by third parties as is customary with all good investor money grabs).

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