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Comment Re:The Nerd Shaming Will Continue Until Morale Imp (Score 2) 613

Your post only proves the point he was trying to make. All this random hate and vitriol at nerds lately, and then people come in and slam them even more. I was always the outcast at school, always introverted. I came out of my shell after HS (away from people like you), and I have a very expansive social life, tons of friends, and even dated a model for a bit. Not a supermodel though. The point is that assholes like you were why I was the way I was in HS. It was the stereotypes cast upon me by an outside group making sweeping judgments about who I am based on what I like. Everything that gets posted is basically "Not all men, but srsly, all men". Its about as see through as when someone starts a sentence with "I'm not racist, but..."

Seriously, get bent.

Comment Re:Again? (Score 1) 613

For the record, my mom makes around $120k/yr. She has an Associates, but has been working at the same spot for around 10 years, and is in charge of infection control and is in training to be the charge nurse for the ICU/CCU. She only works 36 hours a week (12 hours per day, 3 shifts per week). Most of the people with BSNs don't actually work on the floor seeing patients anymore.

Comment Re: sampling bias (Score 1) 405

I've already been warned by several supervisors that while in communication with certain people at my work, always send an email to them after the call to restate what was said on the phone conversation so I have a record of them telling me to do something. These people have a tendency to 'forget' things they tell others to do and it can lead to people getting fired.

But that is why I love WebEx Connect/Lync/etc. I always have a record of all conversations that I had with superiors. It's saved my ass quite a few times.

Comment Re:Yes... (Score 1) 809

I'm currently employed by a large hospital network. The dark magic required to get some of the software working combined with the inability to have downtime means very few can cut it for even basic desktop support. The nightmare that happens when an ER machine goes down is something i hope i never gave to deal with again.

Comment Re:You can decline to be tested (Score 1) 673

You're under the assumptions that all drug users are terrible people. I find it odd that 50% of people failed the drug test since they are very easy to beat. As for the whole IT thing, I was just saying that because it's the field that I work in, and would prefer to work. I just think its asinine that all these places require drug tests when the people that are the worst to work with are alcoholics. I'd rather have a stoner working for me than have someone who drinks their lives away. And yes, I've worked plenty of management positions before, including in the hiring process.

This was also stated before that people that use things like Meth, Crack, Heroin, and even chronic alcoholics will get past a drug test since most of the metabolites that are tracked in your system are gone within 3-7 days. Someone who smokes pot regularly and on their free time? Up to 30 days in urine, 15 days in saliva, and years in hair. The people that are most likely to get caught by a drug test are those that pose the least amount of problems to your business.

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