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Comment Re:*yawn* (Score 1) 772

Democrats got briefed, yes. Did they get briefed truthfully? Truth in briefing doesn't seem to be in the NSA playbook.

This was NOT the NSA and Yes the Democrats got EXACTLY what the president got and then some. The President's Daily Brief is not just for his eyes, both the house and senate intelligence committees get copies.

As for the rest of your post, because you don't understand even the basic facts and procedures all that well and I don't have time to waste trying to educate you on how the intelligence system of the USA actually works, I'm just going to dismiss it. You obviously don't understand the difference between NSA and CIA or how all this took place, not to mention that you either are *really* young and didn't watch the news during the Iraq war, or your memory is pretty short. In any case, go back and read some about 9/11 and the Iraq war, specifically about what the democrats where saying about it back then. They knew full well what was going on.

Go learn something about what you are making confident assertions about. The rest of your post is useless and I don't have time to spend educating you on where you obviously don't understand how things really work.

Comment Re:not likely (Score 1) 68

Or they're idiots and didn't have a backup pen and paper solution that was used for decades before computers and all staff should have been trained on.

I'm betting on that one. We've become dependent on computers for air traffic control and I'll bet the manual system hasn't been trained in years.

Comment Here's a crazy idea.... (Score 1) 134

How about we just mandate that Facebook (or any other website that keeps personal information) be required to DELETE any and ALL history over a specific age. I figure that anything more than a year old is worthless to just about everybody anyway, but make it something like 7 years. That way, your unfortunate college posts won't haunt you all your life.

Comment Re:No bother in commenting... (Score 1) 209

The ACA remains and it will not be removed.

I'm not so sure about that. It may take a few more years and a republican president, but I think there is a lot of pressure to repeal. At the very least, the ACA will be fundamentally modified. IMHO, it will be repealed in total, with the more popular parts re-implemented piecemeal.

However, we are stuck with it for the next two years at least, unless the democrat party goes into full revolt and enables a veto proof senate vote and override the presidential veto.

Comment Re:ive been through the new check (France, CDG air (Score 1) 184

The TSA is about appearances so don't sweat it.

IF they where actually about security, you can bet stuff like this would be not only common, but UNIVERSAL. This and MORE. But it is really complaints like this that turned TSA into a paper tiger. All the stories of cavity searching little girls and naked X-Ray machines has systematically taken ANY pretense of actually being able to provide security away from the TSA and why? For Political Correctness.... Oh no, you can't PROFILE! Oh no, You cannot do secondary pat downs on anybody, epically young girls, good looking women, or Grandma in the wheel chair. Don't get me started about the "naked X-Ray" scanner bit.

No the TSA has been reduced to a joke, somewhere above the level of a mall-cop who looks all official with the badge, but about all he can really do is call the police while they sit on you.

Comment Re:But does it report artificially low ink levels? (Score 1) 270

So before Keurig came along, coffee was limited to only a handful of flavors and was difficult to find? And Keurig solved this problem, but no other coffee maker has, so the best solution is to buy a consumer-screwing machine?

No, a simple hot pot and a French press is all you need for great brewed coffee, well that and some beans a grinder and water...

Comment Re:Someone has (Score 2) 270

It's like that electric car thing where you still need to generate power somewhere, and if you're not using clean energy, you're just moving the location of the pollution.

However, overall efficiency is still higher for electric cars even after repeated transformations.

Totally off topic and likely wrong. Storing energy in a battery is wildly inefficient and when you couple the transmission and generation losses along the path from say Natural Gas -> Steam -> AC electricity -> DC Electricity -> battery -> motion there is a lot of energy lost. I'm not sure, but I'd not be surprised if you don't actually burn MORE Natural Gas going the EV route than a standard internal combustion engine would. All that transmission and conversion loss is going to really burn up a lot of energy, as will the losses of the battery which are a lot higher than you might think.

So the previous poster was right... EV's are NOT as clean as they appear to run, and don't get me started on the industrial waste they produce being made and scrapped.

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