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Comment Re:If you don't want to upgrade your box (Score 1) 100

What walled garden. I haven't had any problem installing what ever software I want from where ever I want on a Mac.

Oh I see your trying to claim the Macs are tlike the phones.

And if Apple stopped selling anything I still think they would last more then 5 years with the amount of cash they have,

Comment Re:If you don't want to upgrade your box (Score 1) 100

No they don't, they ship with AHCI drives. There is no support for NVME in OS X. You do understand that NVME is not the form factor right? Just because they have PCIe drives (basically a Samsung XP941 with a proprietary connector, which is an AHCI drive) does not mean they use NVME

and just so you can learn the difference

Comment Re:The latest trend... (Score 4, Informative) 512

You're an idiot. Ahmed was the cop who died and the #jesuisahmed isn't counter to #jesuischarlie it compliments it. "I am not Charlie, I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so." Sounds a bit more like Voltaire then a terrorist.

Comment Re: noooo (Score 1) 560

and your reply is useless. I fail to see how calling for nuclear power in a discussion on AGW is anything troll-like... but then again I am probably feeding a troll right now.

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