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Comment Re:Fark those clowns (Score 1) 328

Taxi companies do not set the prices that is done by the government sorry to say, in NYC it's the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission. So no they don't use the high barrier of entry for that at all. Any proof of that crazy lobbying? You have made a bunch of accusations but failed to back any of it up.

Comment Re:Mixed reaction (Score 1) 328

You do know why the medallion's exist right? It has nothing to do with your taxi cartel conspiracy. It had to do with too many (over 30,000) taxis on the road causing major traffic problems. In 1937, Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia signed the Haas Act which introduced official taxi licenses and the medallion system that remains in place today. The law limited the total number of cab licenses to 16,900, but the number dwindled to 11,787 licenses over the next six decades until 1996 when the TLC added 133 new licenses bringing the total to 11,920.Since 1996, more medallions have been added to the fleet bringing the total number of cab licenses to 13,237 as of 2009.

Comment Re:Mixed reaction (Score 1) 328

No not even close. If you are driving passengers for hire you need a valid license, and no your drivers license does not count, you need a TL License (that's Taxi/Livery), you also need to register your car as a commercial vehicle. You need a commercial insurance policy, because you are on the road for more hours then normal drivers so you have a much higher risk of an accident. Otherwise your asking the rest of us to subsidize your employment.

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