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Comment Re:I'm Okay With It (Score -1) 253

Yeah, good luck with your ideas about what you want to get. This is INFLATION, you are getting LESS AND LESS for the same money, because things are more and more expensive in your currency and you salary is not going up, because the inflation is created by the government money printing operation and has nothing to do with any 'productivity'. The reality is that USA consumers cannot afford anything, they can't afford 'live persons' on the phone, they are not producing enough to offset the enormous 500 Billion USD / year trade deficit and given that, every service job ends up being a net drain on the economy, not a gain. You have no manufacturing and no real exports given that staggering trade deficit number, so you can't pay for services, because paying for services requires surplus in production that can be shifted to the service workers, but there is a deficit in production, so nobody can have anything.

This is what 'consumer based economy' looks like.

Comment Re:So, my bet: (Score -1) 142

Incorrect, the opposite of central government (monopoly on violence and slavery) is not anarchy, it is individual freedom, and in the global capitalist economy where the money is made not by plundering one another but by creating new businesses that provide products and services and compete for every pair of eyes, every person on the planet, is the potential customer. Where the entire world is your potential customer and the number of your customers is directly linked to the health of your income generating business, you do not create slavery, you prefer society as free from slavery as possible.

Beyond that, the attitudes changed and capitalist industrial economy has conclusively proven that slavery is a very inefficient mode of generating income. Non-specialised work force, whose only incentive to work is based on fear of punishment is not a productive work force.

As I said (before /. limit on 'daily comments' kicked in), the future generations will look at our times and see what most of us do not see today: barbarism. Of-course if you are on the receiving end of the welfare State you may prefer this barbarism based on slavery, since you believe that you gain more from profiting off of the slave state than you would from the free market capitalism, but this comes from the same ignorance of ideas as the belief that the opposite of a slave state driven by the monopoly on violence in the hands of central governments is anarchy.

Comment Re:Um, the Atlantic? Really? (Score -1) 286

I don't think you understand what "government employee" means. The vast majority of those 300,000 people worked at private companies that were completing government contracts related to the space program.

- I don't know about the GP, but I am perfectly aware of what a 'government employee' is and all forms of government need to be shut down, so this type of 'government employment' goes the way of the Dodo bird.

I just replied to a 'government employee' here, my position is of-course very straightforward: State needs to die. The State power, the monopoly on violence needs to die.

We must not allow a monopoly on violence to be handed over to anybody, especially those, who would wield it with an air of 'lawfulness' and 'legitimacy'.

All government employment is force of evil, because the real question must not be: "which form of evil I want above me, the red, the blue, the green, the yellow, the whatever", no!

The real question is: WHAT IS VIRTUE? And virtue is in non-initiation of violence and that is the exact opposite of what government is.

Comment Software in your software (Score -1, Funny) 37

Right, and right now it is not software that defines networking?

So right now hardware defines some networking components, with some software embedded and this will do what, define hardware that can run any software to do anything on anything? How is that different from a general purpose computer and how will the software know about hardware components without some software inside those components?

Will software replace cables, switches, hubs, routers? Will software float through software ether powered by software?

Will software replace software? Will it be softer software? Will they put software inside software so we can software while we software?

Smart guns, carbon fiber everywhere, software + hardware being replaced by software. The future is /. homepage.

Comment Re:Pretty chilling honestly (Score -1) 548

Taking away rights started with the Sherman's act being used against Standard Oil over 100 years ago now, the people didn't care, they always hated the wealthy, nobody cares when some wealthy people lose their rights and lose their property.

Taking away property continued with the introduction of the IRS, nobody cared, because the original concept was supposedly to remove duties and import and alcohol taxes and instead to implement an income tax on the top 2% of the earners, and the original highest tax was 7%. Nobody cared, because people hate the wealthy and they also hate paying taxes. In any case, normally people define 'wealthy' being anybody who has more money then they do (so you ask a guy that makes 20K, he sees anybody making 40K+ as wealthy, a 40K guy sees a 70K guy as wealthy, 70K guy sees 120K guy as wealthy, 120K guy sees 150K guy as wealthy, 150K guy sees 200K guy as wealthy, 200K guy sees 400K guy as wealthy, 400K guy sees 700K guy as wealthy, etc.etc.)

They introduced the Fed in 1913 (same year as the IRS), in 1917 they gave the Fed the power to print money to buy bad US gov't debt (bonds). So people didn't care, I mean who cares, the gov't did that rather than raising more taxes to grow, and the people that got screwed were those with more savings, and everybody hates the wealthy. Well, today the real rate of inflation is north of 10% and the prices are only slightly rising because the inflation is exported to those '3rd world nations' that end up working for worthless USD and exporting their actual goods they produce to the USA. (This will stop soon.)

They steal people's property all the time, they created entire classes of poor people by introducing the minimum wage to destroy competition by the blacks to the unions back in the thirties. Before that time the black unemployment was lower than white unemployment and many other statistics were going really well for the blacks. Well, then they started 'fighting poverty', picture time.

Taking away property is long standing government tradition. From 'anti-trust' to income taxes to printing money (inflation) to payroll taxes and SS and Medicare and FDIC and every department and exists, even the latest nonsense with the Nevada ranch, it's all one big happy Mafia family, that's what the government is.

You are the property and they are the owners. This is modern day democratically created and maintained slavery.

Comment Re: tl;dr (Score -1) 331

Deflation in Japan looked marvelously, unfortunately the government of Japan prevented the prices from falling by printing massive amounts of currency, which was INFLATION, which is exactly my point: the governments prevent deflation to take course, prevent the failed companies from restructuring, prevent the consumer prices from falling by inflating the money supply and thus the governments destroy the economic activity in the country. See, you should NOT read Krugman, Krugman is one of the propaganda tools used to brainwash the light minded, like the ones leaving comments in this story.

You should try and find people who actually MAKE money in this environment and learn something from them instead. Krugman is a Keynesian charlatan. Krugman to economics what an astrologist is to astrophysics.

Comment Re:tl;dr (Score -1, Troll) 331

Obviously you say 'good bye' because there is not one single argument that you can present to fight against the simple truth:

people buy consumer goods with credit cards, so they pay more today than they would if they waited a year and paid less a year from now, so they are clearly not deterred by higher costs of goods they are buying if they need those goods. The only 'good' that people wouldn't buy today if it fell in price in a year from now would be an investment, and the gov't is using inflation (money printing) to prop up fake economy growth numbers, which in fact only measure the level of DESTRUCTION of value, destruction of the value of dollar and of savings, not any economic growth, because there is no economic growth. Inflation is destruction of the economy and the gov't needs it to feed the fake numbers and to feed itself at the expense of the current and of the future economy by destroying the value of savings and preventing restructuring and preventing economic reconstruction.

You are in fact brain dead, because even as you read my comment, you are still completely convinced in the ideology that was beaten into your head over the decades by the gov't that exists at this point only at the expense of the economy and society itself. You can't grasp simplest of things, you are dumber than a cave man when it comes to economics, you haven't progressed, you have regressed into some pre-amoebial state when it comes to economic understanding.

This here is not for you, it's for those who read your retarded comment and thought it had any value in it whatsoever beyond a clear example of somebody that has no pulse.

Comment Re:tl;dr (Score 2, Interesting) 331

Deflation is no poison, you are a tool of government propaganda, brainwashed to the core, completely without any sense or understanding. Deflation was the reality of 19th century USA economy, the period of time, when the standard of living of an average American has gone up by orders of magnitude faster than at any point in time. In fact during the 'scary deflationary' period the standard of living for Americans has gone up, but during the government induced inflation the standard of living was and is falling.

Deflation is great for people who have less, they can afford more with less. Deflation is apparently also great for investments, which is shown by history, specifically because more savers are created during deflation, who are able to lend money to the most productive uses, so deflation grows savings, inflation destroys savings. Guess which the world needs to grow the economy... but of course you are so brain washed and brain dead, you will guess wrong.

In fact deflation does NOT stop people from buying consumer goods that they need, this is patently absurd, it's absolutely absurd given a very SIMPLE COUNTEREXAMPLE: CREDIT CARDS. People are buying today on credit cards, which means that they are willing to pay MORE for the goods that they are buying today rather than saving their money and not using credit cards (which means paying for the privilege of using the borrowed money today) they will not save and buy tomorrow to avoid extra borrowing costs, they will instead buy today. That's what time preference is - buying today rather than tomorrow is actually also a function of cost of money.

In any case, you are 100% wrong on all of your economic ideas that were beaten into your stupid head for the entire duration of your pathetic thoughtless life.

Inflation is only useful to force people to buy ONE THING: INVESTMENTS.

The only thing that people will NOT buy today if those things will become cheaper tomorrow are INVESTMENTS. If you know for a fact that your purchase will be valued lower in a year than today, you will not buy an investment like that, so the only thing that the government promotes people buying with inflated money supply are investments, which would cost LESS in a year (thanks to deflation, which is what the USA economy is apparently needing, which is why that is the natural progression that the economy would take right now, given so much misalignment in resource allocation).

You have a lame excuse for a brain.

Comment Re:Sharing is common outside the west (Score -1) 331

Right, but if you advertise your place as being 'shared for free', you'll not have any lack of takers, who will mooch off of you for as long as you do this. By putting a price on it you both, put a priority on the people that you are sharing with and your guest shares on your costs of running that apartment (or did you think that taxes and mortgage and utilities and insurance pay for themselves?)

Comment OMG!!!! PINK MARX!!! (Score -1) 101

I fully support ideas of Marx where it concerns the abolition of the State and income tax resistance.

Given the nature of today's date, let's go further.

Marx insisted that the bourgeois exploits the proletariat through the "constant revolutionising of production and uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions". So let's declare revolutionizing of production to be illegal and prohibit any form of non-incremental but sudden advances where it concerns production, manufacturing and technology. Introduction of personal computers was not an incremental step, introduction of the Internet itself, the combustion engine, powered flight, nuclear power, molecular biology and DNA based technology, and more, none of these are evolutionary, these are revolutionary technologies and must be abolished, prohibited and abandoned in favor of more evolutionary technologies and production techniques, which do not serve to undermine the status quo of the every day lives of the proletariat.

Of-course all private property must be abolished, inequality must be squashed, this has to start with the 1% but it cannot stop there, it must be taken to its logical conclusion. As long as we have inequality there can be no true Marxism / Communism, so we have to find the lowest common denominator, which everybody must agree, is the ultimate goal that provides the conformity necessary to prevent rise of capital formation. Let's find that lowest common denominator taking into account that private property starts with our own bodies, let's look beyond the obvious, such as land, factories, cars, houses, and such, let's look at the root of this evil, the moment of conception itself. Nobody can be allowed to utilize naturally occurring DNA based advantages, which are also manifestation of private property and thus capital formation, we must eradicate this inequality at the moment of formation. This requires that all sperm and eggs used in conception are equalized, there can be no deviation from the standards and norms in order to achieve maximum parity.

Of-course among the already living there are other forms of inequalities that can also be addressed immediately. There are, after all, people who through no fault of their own lost limbs, eyesight, normal functioning of their natural bodies, which is where the problem of inequality is very sharply observed. Nobody should be in a position to utilize his or her property to rise above the normal, thus normal must be understood to be the poorest in all properties, including body functions and capabilities. This means that upon reaching a certain age, all people must undergo a mandatory equalization procedure, consisting of the following elements:
* Removal of limbs
* Lobotomy
* Removal of other discriminating organs, such as eyes, tongue, nose, external genitalia.

Only by ensuring that no person can reasonably elevate his or her worldly status via acquiring possessions, especially if starting from an unequal playing field, which includes having more in terms of body capabilities than anybody else, only then can true Marxism / Communism be built in the land of equality and parity.

In the spirit of Marxism / Communism access to all valuables must be open to all international claimants, so for example an American peasant must be sharing fruits of his labor with anybody in the world, including any Indian or Chinese or middle-eastern comrade and while taxes must be resisted by the majority, a minority must be forced to pay them anyway, and while the State must be abolished, taxes still must be collected on behalf of the.... State?

We must all subscribe to these notions or we must at the very least admit that Marx was one of the biggest jokers of them all and as such he firmly asserted his position in the OMG Pink Pony movement.

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