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Comment Everything TIRED is WIRED again. (Score 1) 194

Remember WIRED Magazine? They used to run a sidebar that I loved to hate, which was the Tired/Wired list. And; as I predicted long ago, everything that *was* in their "Wired" column has ended up as "Tired" and Vice-Versa.

The re-emergence of TV versus online media, the re-emergence of New York City versus Prague, the re-emergence of going to work versus tele-commuting.

Wired magazine has been wrong about nearly everything, and this article merely cements the fact that the writers and editors never knew what the hell they were talking about. The fact that for over a decade they printed onto paper speaks volumes. (pun intended).

Comment Since you know the NSA is listening (Score 4, Funny) 193

Use lots and lots of keywords.

When the scammer calls, no matter what the person says at the other end of the line, you say "What did you say? You want to blow up an airliner and kill the president? You're a member of Al-Qeda and ISIS?"

I guarantee that call will go dead and they won't ever call you again.

Comment You're missing the bigger point (Score 4, Interesting) 161

Identity theft will now include your face. I for one, intend to wear my motorcycle helmet 24/7 and call myself "The Stig".

It should be noted that when facebook started their facial recognition stuff, I uploaded dozens of photos of Mark Zuckerberg to my profile, and identified them as me. Facebook still has no idea what I look like.

Comment We don't have a launch system (Score 2) 272

We have nothing that will take a nuke far out enough to use it against a NEO. I am assuming that this is one of those scenarios where we discover the object too late to do anything but attempt blowing it up. Therefore it's what, between the earth and the moon?

All our launch systems are LEO, and then use gravity assist slingshots to get themselves into the outer solar system. We have NOTHING that can go directly to the target. Therefore we are essentially screwed, because by the time we got the nuke to the target (read as days of orbits), it's already 15 minutes away from impact, in which case, the nuke isn't going to do much except shut down the electrical grid from the EMP, before we are wiped out.

Comment 30 years and no Guru Meditation? (Score 2) 456

My Amiga would crash if I looked at it funny (then again, I had all kinds of things rigged up to it) -- although I remember doing the most amazing crap *ever* on a computer with that old Amiga 1000... Seriously, that was a wonderful, wonderful piece of hardware, and there's never been anything like it, even to this day. Dynamic ramdisk? We still don't have that in any other operating system.

Comment Put up a street light... (Score 1) 637

Governments tend to ignore problems until somebody get killed, like when they put up a red-light or stop sign, only after some little old lady gets killed.

Similarly, we will do something about climate change only AFTER New York City is under 3 feet of water in the streets. Remember Sandy? When it looks like that 24/7 in New York, then, and only then, will action be taken.

Comment Drug-Resistant Virii, Lysol-resistant bacteria (Score 3, Interesting) 479

So, I believe all you have to do is ask an "intelligent design" person why God is creating Drug-resistant Virii, or creating bacteria that doesn't die when you hit it with lysol.

Just ask anyone who works in a hospital. Hospitals are LOSING a battle against infections, because the bugs are getting smarter and tougher versus our ability to kill them.

So; why is God doing that? He's going out of his way to do that, since obviously, it would be heresy to suggest that the bacteria is evolving, right??

Comment what happened to 3D TV? (Score 1) 181

Wasn't that supposed to be the great next home entertainment technology??? That disappeared fast.

Now we're talking 4k/8k resolutions, good luck trying to get Netflix to stream something like that through our existing crappy internet infrastructure.

Comcast will throttle it no doubt, so what you'll end up with is choppy/low res pixelated crap.

It's a great idea, but too bad that the USA is a third-world country as far as broadband is concerned. Every Asian country has bigger pipes than us. But we're the ones being hacked by the Chinese.... go figure.

Comment And not a single lawsuit was filed. (Score 4, Insightful) 236

If you're a person and you download a song, the FBI breaks down your door, confiscates your computer, and the prosecutor will haunt you until you commit suicide because he's talking millions in fines and decades of prison.....

But the NSA can cause $35 Billion in damage making copies of everyone's data (including songs); and not a peep from anyone.

You'd think a company hard-hit, yet with deep pockets (Oracle?); and an ego-manical CEO, would bring a lawsuit against the NSA for the damages.

But no. Apparently when you're the 800-pound gorilla, you can basically ignore the rule of law. The NSA could be shooting citizens in the head live on national TV and nobody would do anything.

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