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Comment Re:Grinch is not a flaw - has no CVE!!! (Score 3, Informative) 118

Ohh, so the wheel group does have a purpose in GNU after all. Who knew?
Enjoy the following excerpt right from info su on a Debian box:

23.6.1 Why GNU `su' does not support the `wheel' group

(This section is by Richard Stallman.)

Sometimes a few of the users try to hold total power over all the
rest. For example, in 1984, a few users at the MIT AI lab decided to
seize power by changing the operator password on the Twenex system and
keeping it secret from everyone else. (I was able to thwart this coup
and give power back to the users by patching the kernel, but I wouldn't
know how to do that in Unix.)

However, occasionally the rulers do tell someone. Under the usual
`su' mechanism, once someone learns the root password who sympathizes
with the ordinary users, he or she can tell the rest. The "wheel
group" feature would make this impossible, and thus cement the power of
the rulers.

I'm on the side of the masses, not that of the rulers. If you are
used to supporting the bosses and sysadmins in whatever they do, you
might find this idea strange at first.

Makes me cringe harder every time I read it

Comment Re:not hating but ive never heard of it (Score 1) 186

If you want the really real deal, you ,,telnet'', which a) works regardless of OS (provided it has a telnet client, which Windows does).

You mean

telnet -8

And preferably set your terminal to reverse video and use a VGA/IBMgraphics or DECgraphics capable typeface in your terminal. I personally prefer IBMgraphics because corridors look right and proper.

No, pretty sure I meant what I said. Especially the -8 is rather pointless. Reverse video also is a stupid suggestion as you can't know what the normal video mode is, for others.

VGA/IBMgraphics or DECgraphics capable typeface in your terminal. I personally prefer IBMgraphics because corridors look right and proper.

Actually, corridors look "right and proper" with the normal typeface, since that is nethack, this suggestion is also crap.

Playing locally basically implies cheating ;)

No, it doesn't.

The temptation can be very high, especailly when you're close to YASD

Comment Re:Very adictive but... (Score 1) 186

vi? vi? Do you snap your suspenders and tug your beard as you pine for the days of pine over a 300 baud line?

Since I switch a lot between vi/nvi/vim, depending on what's available (protip: vim usually isn't), yeah, it makes sense to learn the common subset first, which is basically the functionality vi implements. Besides, pine?

Real men/women [...] use VIM.

Real men/women use what's there.

[...] furry creatures from Alpha centauri [...]

Trying to be funny -- you're doing it wrong.

And they use the cursor keys...because they have a keyboard with actual cursor keys instead of a ADM3A terminal.

hjkl are much closer to the rest of the alphanumeric block, since they are, well, on the home row. It's fine if you like constantly switching between there and the cursor keys, or probably the mouse, just don't tell me how I should do things, especially when you're unable to give rationale.

You'd think that terminal makers never used a Selectric.

Uh, whatever.

Comment Re:Very adictive but... (Score 4, Funny) 186

I can't imagine anyone using the vi shortcuts (k for up and, going clockwise, u l n j b h and y).

Imagine harder then, I don't know anyone who'd play it on the numpad, sounds rather inconvenient because all the other keys are on the main alphanumeric block.

In fact, I originally started to play nethack in order to get comfortable with hjkl for later use in vi. Worked great. (As an unexpected side effect I got horribly addicted though)

Comment Re:not hating but ive never heard of it (Score 1) 186

If you want the really real deal though, you need a linux/unix machine, and you need to play the ncurses command line version in a terminal.

If you want the really real deal, you ,,telnet'', which a) works regardless of OS (provided it has a telnet client, which Windows does). Playing locally basically implies cheating ;)

Comment Geez (Score 1) 280

The era in which one group of people will be able to control the commercial activities of third parties is coming to a close. Deal with it.

... he said, either forgetting or ignoring the fact that a group of people controlling the commercial activities of third parties is exactly what just happened.

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