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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 29 declined, 3 accepted (32 total, 9.38% accepted)


Submission + - OneDOJ to assimilate data on criminals and targets

Degrees writes: "From The Washington Post, the Justice Department is building a massive database, known as "OneDOJ," that allows state and local police officers around the country to search millions of case files from the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal law enforcement agencies. The system already holds approximately 1 million case records and is projected to triple in size over the next three years. The files include investigative reports, criminal-history information, details of offenses, and the names, addresses and other information of criminal suspects or targets.

A couple of other links: National Information Exchange Model provides a plan, and to learn to integrate your data into XML, you may be able to attend Nlets Fourth Annual Implementers Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona on January 10-11, 2007"

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