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Comment Slow walking (Score -1, Troll) 59

Not surprising. Obama's activists at NASA have been slow walking (read sabotaging) the program for years. They'd rather be raining federal dollars on their crooked hero Elon MUsk. We need a new President who will make SLS a priority. Constellation was a great program and the leftists wrecked it. Now we are marooned for the next decade on a decrepit space station with our arch enemies, the Russians. Not a space program befitting America, but then again, neither is our leadership.

Comment Re:the establishment really does not like competit (Score 1) 366

It's not "the establishment does not like competition". Nobody likes competition. However it is actually illegal for your competitor to not abide to rules you need to abide to.

The correct way is that the market should integrate the actual, legal innovations of Uber (i.e. an app that matches drivers and riders), which should come easier if Uber is driven out of business by law enforcement.

Once law abiding taxi businesses have integrated these innovations, information asymmetry between dispatcher, driver, and rider -which is ultimately what taxi businesses are about- should plummet, and you'll end up paying something X between Uber price U and taxi price T (UXT), T-X being the value of the current information asymmetry, X-U being the money Uber currently externalizes to (i.e. steals from) driver and society.

Comment Re:TFS just has marketing (Score 2, Interesting) 71

Yeah I'd like some more meat to the story as well. Amazon Glacier achieves its pricing by using low-RPM consumer drives plugged into some sort of high-density backplanes; supposedly they are so densely packed that you can only spin up a few drives at once due to power and heat issues. Hence the delay.

I assume Google is doing something similar, maybe with somewhat better power or cooling since they're offering faster retrieval times which implies that perhaps they can spin up a higher percentage of drives at a time.

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