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Comment Re:No, no unfair advantage at all... (Score 3, Informative) 175

I can't speak for long jump, but in high jump your shoes are definately regulated.
you're not allowed for example to have shoes that have a sole thicker than a certain amount.
I just looked it up and apparently it's the same for long jump shoes.
So yes, I don't think springs or a blade qualify as valid shoes in this case (especially if the blade is 18 inches longer than your other leg!).

Comment Re:1 or 1 million (Score 2) 274

In the US about half of Internet traffic in prime time is Netflix. It would behoove a company that sells Internet service to provision sufficient bandwidth to the part of the Internet their customers are paying so much to access. Maybe Netflix should just get into the fiber business and start collecting that $100/month instead of a measly $12 since they are already providing half the service anyway.

Comment Re:irc:// (Score 2) 85

I used to be a regular user of Freenode, but it's a total cesspool of meglomaniacs who have somehow managed to crawl up someone's ass to get op status, and their toadies. Here's how the average conversation goes in most of the old channels I used to frequent:

A: Can any one help me with XXX?
Twat1: Why do you want to do that?
A: {explains}
Twat2: That's stupid
Twat1: Yeah, who told you to do that
A: Well, I'm just looking for help to do XXX
Twat1: Nobody does that, so why are you asking?
Twat2: Well said Twat1
A has left channel
Twat1: So I was talking to Twat3 about fish the other night...
B: I'd like some help with YYY
Twat2: That's off topic
B: Oh ok
B has left channel
Twat2: So what about fish? ... etc...

I wouldn't recommend anyone wanting any actual technical help/feedback go there.

Comment Re: Alternative explanation (Score 1) 398

The Netflix boxes are adapted from Backblaze 4U 45 drive storage pods. It is called the Open Connect Hardware Appliance. They are not insignificant and I hear each one is designed to support up to 50,000 end users.

If you have 50,000 people paying you $80 a month and 50% of what they use it for is Netflix, you can afford the power and rack space for one 4U box.

Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 1) 398

The bandwidth is already 10x what it needs to be. Netflix gives free CDN boxes to ISPs that virtually eliminate this backbone traffic. That is the right way to solve this problem technically. It is cheap and eliminates redundant backbone traffic. Google Fiber takes the boxes even though they have ample backbone transit because that is the best solution for their customer, providing higher resolutions and lower latency to the video fan.

Comment Re:FUD filled.... (Score 1) 212

It sounds like this transformer had its center tap grounded and was the path to ground on one side of a ground loop as the geomagnetic field moved under pressure from a CME, inducing a common-mode current in the long-distance power line. A gas pipeline in an area of poor ground conductivity in Russia was also destroyed, it is said, resulting in 500 deaths.

One can protect against this phenomenon by use of common-mode breakers and perhaps even overheat breakers. The system will not stay up but nor will it be destroyed. This is a high-current rather than high-voltage phenomenon and thus the various methods used to dissipate lightning currents might not be effective.

Submission + - Apple Acqui-Hires "Pandora for Books" Booklamp for $15 million (

Nate the greatest writes: Apple stunned the tech world Friday night when news broke that the gadget maker had acquired a little known ebook company called Booklamp, a small Idaho-based ebook startup which is best known for the Book Genome Project. First shown off to the world in 2008, this project was conceived by Booklamp founder and CEO Aaron Stanton as a way of analyzing a book's pacing, dialog, perspective, genre, and other details in order to identify a book's unique DNA. Booklamp has been using the tech to sell various services to publishers, tech companies, and the like, but Booklamps's existing contracts were apparently cancelled earlier this year.

According to one industry insider the deal happened in April, but Apple managed to keep the news under wraps until just last night. No one knows for sure how Apple will use booklamp but there is speculation that Apple could launch an ebook subscription service similar to the week-old Kindle Unlimited, or they could just use Booklamp to drive ebook recommendations in what some are speculating is the world's second largest ebookstore.

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