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Comment Re:Go for it (Score 1) 43

Can you provide a sensible definition of 'bigotry', and an example of where you think Carson and Cruz have failed to live up to your proposed standard?
The 'b' word seems to be the all-purpose kiss-off, these days. You risk evacuating it of meaning, like Tarantino did the Bigger Digger Trigger in "Django Unchained", I'm led to understand.

Comment Re:Am I the only one... (Score 2) 125

When I talked to one of our VAR's he said that one of the local hospital chains was one of his best and worst customers, best because of all the expensive gear they bought, worst because they were so demanding. They actually paid to have trenching done to make sure that their backup link at one facility went out a different CO which was on a different uplink facility (ie truly divergent paths with no single mode of failure), and that was just for PACS, not telesurgery.

Comment Re:Tesla enables Edison to win the endgame? (Score 4, Informative) 597

The parasitic losses of DC over long distance is reason enough that it's not done

Siemens quotes 3.5% loss per 1,000km for +-800kv DC vs 6.7% for 735kv AC systems, exactly the opposite of your claim. I think I'll trust one of the biggest names in power over someone with a free bitcoin scam in their signature.

Comment Re:Go for it (Score 1) 43

launched a war against a sovereign nation thousands of miles away

I guess that's somewhat interesting from a logistical standpoint. And the regional politics of the Great Satan helping out the Saudis have some fun nuance. "Bush believed he was doing the right thing" is probably trivially true, but, again, omits an awful lot of Shiite/Sunni developments.
Which is, again, not meant as anything sort of an apologist play for W. And you can keep the brother, too.

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